Saturday, January 31, 2009

Never Before Seen Video

We were all fooled on August 28th. We thought we had gotten someone who would be benevolent. We were wrong. We finally realized things had turned for the worst at our first faculty meeting in early October. What you are about to see is a video that was covertly recorded by a staff member of our leader addressing us. We were shocked. Please, whatever you do, do not share this video with anyone else.

This Is The Numb Nuttiest (So Far!)

I am retracting this post as I had promised. In fact if you had clicked on the link you will have not gotten a thing. The post I am referring to is the one in which parents of a student were pressured into signing a waiver absolving Numb Nuts of any corporal punishment on their son. But, and this is a big but, this does not mean that something un-pareve happened. For you goyem, pareve is Yiddish for kosher.

The young man in question was summoned to the office of the infallible Numb Nuts last Thursday. Numb Nuts instructed the boy to write a statement concerning the corporal punishment allegation. See something a bit amiss here? Numb Nuts was taking part, if not leading the investigation, into charges of corporal punishment levied against him. Is this proper protocol? Does this mean now that any teacher can lead the investigation if they have charges? Is this proper NYCDOE protocol for corporal punishment?

The young man did what he was asked. Or told. He wrote it up at home that night. But perhaps there was a kink in the plans. His parents came in the next day. So did OSI investigators. But from what I have been told it was several hours apart. Now that I think about it and writing this out I still smell a rat, a very stinky rat.

So on that matter I am not retracting the post. Nor am I apologizing. Something is rotten. Is there a cover-up? I don't know, but you know the old saying, "if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it swims like a duck, it must be a duck."

But remember kiddies, what was it Richard Nixon said in 1977?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Fix Is In!

Next week our school is having its annual quality review. As many of you know, a quality review is important to a school. It looks for where the school has strengths and where it needs to improve. It is very important gauge to how well a school is doing. That is why it is imperative that the quality reviewers that come to the school are neutral and objective.

Except in the case of my school. Our school is special. The superintendent of District 7, Yolanda Torres is personally coming to my school to conduct the quality review. But you ask how is this a conflict of interest? Because Yolanda Torres happens to be the best friend of our principal John Deacon. New York City schools. Where the children come last after the cronies, flunkies, and sycophants.

So what lesson have we learned Tricky Dick?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Company Is Coming

Remember when you were a kid and that whacky, OCD, snooty relative came over to visit? Everyone had to be on their best behavior? You had to say "yes sir" or "yes m'am". Your dad had to hide his Esquire magazine, and pretend he read The Bible or The Christian Science Monitor. You had to wear your best clothes, comb your hair, and take down your Van Halen poster, and put up a Donny Osmond poster instead. Oh, and worst, your crazy, nutty friends were not allowed over.

Next week, on February 4th and 5th we are expected to be on our "company behavior." Company is coming over. In fact the Quality Review people are coming over, and we have been coached. Coached on what to say, how to say it, and who can say what they can say. Certain rabblerousers have been given special out of school assignments. In fact I heard that a certain someone is ready to dive into the colons of each quality reviewer.

As was said on the X-Files, "the truth is out there."

Very Sad News

I always loved social studies. I was political as a kid. I grew up in a political household. My grandfather was a precinct captain for the Democrats back in the day. He would canvass cemeteries to register new voters.

I always ask my child about what is being taught in social studies. I look forward to the day when my child is old enough and we can go on trips to all the historic sites in the Northeast. That is why I was saddened when in the course of chatting with some fifth grade students I learned a horrible truth.

I was having pizza with several fifth graders when I asked them what is it they are currently studying in social studies. I was looking forward to them telling me and having a back and forth discussion. Imagine my chagrin when I was informed that they will not be doing any social studies until March. Why March you ask? The reason the students gave me is that between now and the statewide math exam all they will be doing is getting ready for the test.

Yup, lots of learning happening there.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grading The ELA Exam

Am I wrong in believing that someone who grades the New York State ELA exam should have a working knowledge of the English language?

It Just Keeps Getting Numb Nuttier!

Yesterday a 2nd grade student from everyone's favorite CTT class threatened to break the neck of another 2nd grade student in another class. The teacher of the CTT class immediately notified Assistant Principal, and 2009 nominee for administrator of the year, the one, the only, Numb Nuts. This happened just before 1 PM. She asked Numb Nuts to take the student and was looking forward to the chancellor's discipline code being enforced. Yes, this is a 2nd grader, but it still must be taken seriously.

At approximately 2 15 PM the other teacher in this CTT class noticed Numb Nuts sitting at the computer in the office. In a very matter of fact tone of voice Numb Nuts was asked if had seen to the young man and what kind of resolution had come about. Part of the collaborative attitude we teachers have at my school. Numb Nuts basically had no time, nor an answer to give to this teacher. However, Numb Nuts did find the time to berate the teacher for being tardy with some paperwork. Numb Nuts has his priorities straight. I mean over an hour passed and this was not looked into at all?

Now let's play devil's advocate for a moment. Should a threat such as the one made be taken seriously, especially if it is by a 2nd grader? I think any threat like this should be, and more importantly why the anger at such a young age. Where does this child here something like this? What is the students background. Numb Nuts does not know, nor does he care. I know this child well. There is a lot of anger within him, but a lot of good that is desperate to get out. This boy is smart as a lick, and has a lot of issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, he is in the wrong school to have these issues addressed.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Last Day Of Contest!

On January 8 I decided to start the first ever SBSB contest. The contests last day is today. As of this writing I have yet to receive any replies. This might be out of indifference, or no one cares. Anyway I have copied and pasted the contest along with rules, etc... I will extend the deadline to noon EST January 27. Any entries received after that will be disqualified. Remember this is a chance for a once in a lifetime trip to Utica.

The South Bronx School Blog has decided to sponsor a contest. A scenario will be given and the person who answers the question the best according to the crack team will win an all expenses weekend trip to Utica, NY! You will be whisked to Utica directly from the Port Authority Bus Terminal directly (changing buses in Oneonta, Binghamton, and Delhi). Once in Utica you and your guest will be feted with a gift basket for your stay at Red Roof Inn overlooking the Erie Canal. You then can do whatever it is Uticans do. Like watch the snow.

OK, here are the rules to the contest. It must be in essay form, and a minimum of 250 words. Remember, this really happened this week.

Please, in your best writing describe how the following pertains to the "Children First" philosophy of the NYCDOE:

Yesterday, a boy in the second grade was moved from his class to the second grade CTT class that has previously been mentioned in this blog as being out of compliance. For those who forget, this CTT class must have a 60/40 ratio of general ed to special ed. The class as of this past Monday was still 15 special ed. and 6 general ed. Numb Nuts sent a letter to this boy's mother stating, rather than asking, that this boy will be moved on January 7. The reason Numb Nuts gave was he thought the boy would do better in a CTT class. Doesn't matter that he has one of the best g** damned teachers in the school. Doesn't matter that all he might need is SETTS. He is at a G reading level, he should be at a J. Easily overcome. Oh I forgot. Another kid was moved from a different class to the CTT class. The former teacher was just asked, "which kid would you like to be rid of?" So back to this young man. He spent all day yesterday and today crying for his teacher. Through his sobs he was saying, "I miss my teacher, I love my teacher." Seven years old and this is what they do? Might as well snatched him from his mother! The reasoning is if they keep the fifteen special ed. kids in the CTT class all they have to do is fill it up with general ed. kids until they are in compliance. Makes sense, right?

This is so wrong! So anyway, get busy. Only one reply per household. You can post your response publicly or email it to me. I know many are salivating at prospect of spending a weekend in Utica. So get busy!

Freddie Sings To John Deacon

Check out that bass riff from John Deacon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Keep The People Happy

This past Friday, January 23, approximately thirty parents and the PA had gathered in the hope of getting an audience with grand exalted mystic John Deacon. The parents were in a quite perturbed mood. They wished to discuss with John Deacon the lack of access John Deacon affords the parents, the rescinding of the traditional senior (5th grade) trip, and the curious denial of the traditional caps and gowns, which students pay themselves, for graduation. John Deacon was expected to meet with the parents. The meeting was to take place at 9 30 AM.

John Deacon never showed. Didn't send word to postpone, just blew the parents off. Didn't even have the decency to send and lackey emissary. There was no "emergency" or any urgent business in the school at that time. The parents room where the meeting was scheduled to take place is just down the hall, three doors from the office. Even a cursory meeting could have placated these parents. Now instead of having the all important parent constituency on John Deacon's side, John Deacon now has a thirty parents ticked off at John Deacon and these thirty will tell another thirty parents and so on and so on.

But this has been the standard operating procedure of John Deacon. Avoid at all costs any conflict, any responsibility and send someone else to take the heat. Or worse. Someone to be the fall guy. John Deacon thinks its hands are clean.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Black Coffee In Bed

Dedicated to that quasi professional, Numb Nuts. ))))Squeeze((((

For John Deacon and Numb Nuts

Always learn from Peter Gabriel. Not what I think of me, what they think of themselves.

Is The Coverup Worse Than The Crime?

I just heard something fascinating this evening. It occurred today at my school in which learning and children always come first.

If we can just travel back in time January 5 when I wrote that I had filed an allegation of corporal punishment against the dear assistant principal, Numb Nuts. To refresh those who did not click on the link, Numb Nuts grabbed a boy's arm, pulled him, and when the mother came in to complain directly to him, exalted, "I don't see any marks." Today it came to a head.

Before I continue I must stress my sources are reliable, and I got this information from three different people. If I am wrong, or my sources wrong I will immediately retract and issue an apology.

Investigators from OSI(Office of Special Investigations) came into the school today to meet with the boys parents, and principal John Deacon. I do not know if Numb Nuts was there. In this meeting the investigators pressured and cajoled the boys parents to sign a waiver that Numb Nuts did not inflict corporal punishment. That he was in fact breaking up a fight. They told the parents that if they did not sign the waiver that Numb Nuts would be in danger of losing his job.

If Numb Nuts was breaking up a fight, fine. But the brain dead administrator that he is should know, since he is as he claims an expert at discipline, how to break up a fight. Simple. Just get your body between the two students, keep your arms out to block them and you should be fine. Honestly though, you should call school safety.

But here is what rubs me the wrong way. Was there a true investigation? If these charges were unfounded fine. But why not let the process play out? If it was no big deal why did the parents get such a snarky answer from Numb Nuts? But the bigger question is: will teachers in my school now be afforded the same courtesy from OSI when accused of corporal punishment? Hey we can all lose our jobs if we commit corporal punishment. Will OSI investigators go out of their way to protect teachers jobs into having any and all parents sign a waiver?

Is this a cover-up?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Captain!! We Have a Breach!

I believe test security has been breached.

Last week were the 3rd-5th grade state ELA exams.

A handout went home stating that students were allowed to bring in candy, gum, sucking candy to have on their desks to keep them calm. I have a copy of this handout. The handout is signed by the principal. How is this a breach of test security?

Is it not plausible that certain test taking techniques, answers, etc... could be written on or inside wrappers of the candies? This can cause a skew of the test scores. The last I checked, and I have proctored many a test is that all that should be on a students desk is the test booklet and and No. 2 pencil.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

35 Minutes Equals 2,100 Seconds

FDNY Paramedics and NYPD paid a visit to the school yesterday. It seems that the Detroit Lions Kids trashed a classroom yesterday and the Dear Principal, John Deacon had him EDP'd (Emotionally Disturbed Person). He was take away in an ambulance to the hospital. I believe St Barnabas. But was it preventable?

The Detroit Lions Kid finished eating lunch at approximately 11:00 AM. After eating he, and selct other students go to the gym ostensibly to work on character building traits with a volunteer organization, City Year. City Year is part of AmericaCorps stuff or whatever. Bunch of kids (under 25) that are doing their liberal part to help.

Problem is there is no character building. Just kids in gym playing games, shooting baskets, jumping rope, etc...I do not believe there is any administrative nor pedagogical supervision and I am not sure if there must be. But at least with the bad weather it is better the students are in the gym than watching a movie for the 1000th time in the auditorium.

Now here comes the interesting part. I was not there, but I have spoken with several sources as to what transpired. When the period ended, which was 11:25 AM, The Detroit Lions Kid now coupled with The Dude, bolted from the gym. The supervising kid from City Year did the next logical step. She notified the supervising assistant principal for that lunch period. Can you guess who it was? YES! It was Numb Nuts! He took the call, and guess what? It became his responsibility! So naturally he took charge of the situation you ask. He looked for the students, notified others, and contacted the safety officer.

FDNY and NYPD showed up at the school around a little after noon. Announcements were being made for the principal to go to the room he was in about 12:00 PM. So even being conservative, I am going to say that that The Detroit Lions Kid was on the lam for thirty-five minutes. That is two thousand one hundred seconds!

  • Two thousand one hundred seconds in which he was unsupervised.
  • Two thousand one hundred seconds in which he could have gotten seriously injured.
  • Two thousand one hundred seconds in which he could have injured someone else.
  • Two thousand one hundred seconds in which he could have exited the school.
  • Two thousand one hundred seconds is more than enough time to do your job correctly!
This a typical example of a complete lack of any responsibility and the way problems are dealt with at my school. Both by the principal, and the AP Numb Nuts. Closing your eyes and hoping the problem goes away does not mean you have dealt with nor solved the problem!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Oh oh! I am doing it again. Going to throw in another Star Trek reference. But this time, in line with the pattern of recent Nazi references, there will be comparisons to the Third Reich.

In TOS episode "Pattern of Force" (by the way, this is Numb Nuts favorite Star Trek episode!) in which the planet Ekos is transformed into a Nazi state by Federation cultural observer John Gil (he did violate the prime directive!) Dr McCoy commented at the end, "absolute power corrupts absolutely" it seems this lesson is still lost in the NYC DOE. Did anyone catch this little article tucked away from view in the Daily News on Tuesday?

Schools official says Bloomberg gave too much power to principals


Education Commissioner Richard Mills also slammed city Schools Chancellor Joel Klein for not consulting superintendents, teachers and parents when he rolled out amended rules in 2007.
The ruling restored some power to the parent-teacher teams which help create the annual blueprint for a school's operation known as a Comprehensive Education Plan.
Mills agreed with a new rule letting principals have the final say on school budgets, since the amendment also requires them to get input from the teams.
The city will clarify the regulation's language, a Department of Education spokeswoman said.
Parents have long complained that the administration has turned a deaf ear to their concerns and opinions.

Fascism alive and well in the NYC DOE!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Stirring the Pot

A teacher was walking by Numb Nuts office today and what does this teacher see? The kid from the other school that has been suspended, who is supposed to be in a SAVE room, and getting instruction, playing on a laptop. In fact from what others have told me, that has all the young man was doing today. Playing on the laptop. How does this benefit the boy? He gets no instruction, and he gets rewarded for hitting a teacher over the head with a lunch box.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hi, Numb Nuts

If a student is capable of hitting a teacher on the head with a lunch box, this being a second incident of striking a teacher, is he not capable of being violent with other students? Should this child be around other students, especially when he gets suspended?

On Monday, January 8, a student was sent from another school ostensibly to serve his second superintendents suspension in our phantom SAVE room. This has been the second time this student has had a superintendent's suspension and reported to our school's phantom SAVE room. But fortunately complications did incur this time.

Numb Nuts acted as his guide bring him first to a 12:1:1 class of 3rd graders. In fact a testing grade in which the students are prepping for the ELA exam next week. The teacher refused to accept him into the class so Numb Nuts sought another class.

Numb Nuts then brought him to my favorite class, The 2nd grade CTT class. He told the teachers of that class that the principal, John Deacon, gave orders that this young man be put in the class. When reminded by one of the teachers that this is against the law Numb Nuts blabbered, "That students who are suspended from school can be placed in classes in a different school." I give credit to Numb Nuts on one thing. He follows orders and parrots the party line very well. But more on that in a bit.

After about ten minutes the teacher was able to get hold of John Deacon in its office. John Deacon peed, and had the boy removed. But not to another class, but to spend the day with The Body. Yesterday too. Also some time with Mrs Met. So this young man will probably recieve zero instruction this week, and if he is at the school next week, zero again.

Now back to Numb Nuts. I was thinking today that he really does follow directions, orders, whatever to the letter. Same with the party line. He is loyal, he kisses ass like no one I have ever seen in my life. His posture is perfect. He is thin. He's neat. Oh and he is incompetent. It got me to thinking long and hard.

First Ever Children First Contest!!! Win Big!!!

The South Bronx School Blog has decided to sponsor a contest. A scenario will be given and the person who answers the question the best according to the crack team will win an all expenses weekend trip to Utica, NY! You will be whisked to Utica directly from the Port Authority Bus Terminal directly (changing buses in Oneonta, Binghamton, and Delhi). Once in Utica you and your guest will be feted with a gift basket for your stay at Red Roof Inn overlooking the Erie Canal. You then can do whatever it is Uticans do. Like watch the snow.

OK, here are the rules to the contest. It must be in essay form, and a minimum of 250 words. Remember, this really happened this week.

Please, in your best writing describe how the following pertains to the "Children First" philosophy of the NYCDOE:

Yesterday, a boy in the second grade was moved from his class to the second grade CTT class that has previously been mentioned in this blog as being out of compliance. For those who forget, this CTT class must have a 60/40 ratio of general ed to special ed. The class as of this past Monday was still 15 special ed. and 6 general ed. Numb Nuts sent a letter to this boy's mother stating, rather than asking, that this boy will be moved on January 7. The reason Numb Nuts gave was he thought the boy would do better in a CTT class. Doesn't matter that he has one of the best g** damned teachers in the school. Doesn't matter that all he might need is SETTS. He is at a G reading level, he should be at a J. Easily overcome. Oh I forgot. Another kid was moved from a different class to the CTT class. The former teacher was just asked, "which kid would you like to be rid of?" So back to this young man. He spent all day yesterday and today crying for his teacher. Through his sobs he was saying, "I miss my teacher, I love my teacher." Seven years old and this is what they do? Might as well snatched him from his mother! The reasoning is if they keep the fifteen special ed. kids in the CTT class all they have to do is fill it up with general ed. kids until they are in compliance. Makes sense, right?

This is so wrong! So anyway, get busy. Only one reply per household. You can post your response publicly or email it to me. I know many are salivating at prospect of spending a weekend in Utica. So get busy!