Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Supporting Teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day

I have been blogging for a little over 10 1/2 years now. I didn't expect to be blogging this
long nor did I expect all the good and bad that came with blogging. I just started out thinking I had an original idea (found out after about 24 hours many others had the same idea) and it took off. And here I still am.

One thing that has been constant is that I truly want to help those teachers that feel so alone and helpless in their struggles. I was quite fortunate that I had a fantastic support system during the time of my 3020-a and I want to pay it forward and do whatever I can to help those teachers who feel so alone and abused by the system.

Back in February at the last (Last ever?) ICE meeting, I gave an impassioned plea for ICE to rally around and do whatever it can to help out a teacher. But Norm was right, ICE as presently configured was not set up for that. And that I understand. The MORE Caucus was never truly interested in rolling up its sleeves and getting down on the dirt to help teachers in need. Solidarity? Yeah, they really are passionate about the same thing, and they got a set of balls (I say that in a good way) but I am not crazy about some of their tactics and the "one size fits all" method of help. And of course there are other things.

But I will continue to do whatever I can. And if I don't know the answer, I will find out or do what is necessary. If it warrants an attorney, I will send a teacher to Bryan Glass or Jordan Harlow.

I know how painful and stressful going through a 3020-a is. I learned from Norm Scott and (I don't think I have ever mentioned this name) Patrick Walsh. They talked me off the precipice several times.

The teachers I have talked to, or helped, I have taken , I don't know how to say this. A personal (I am trying hard not to make this seem about me) stake? Living vicariously? Something or other, in their cases, in the outcomes. My support is 100% unconditional. Sometimes it might not have seemed it. There were times, I put myself first (not in a horrible way) and it was not right. But one thing I always thought of, besides giving support, is that I want that teacher protected and to know that God will always see what is right and karma will come and bite those on that wronged them right on their ass.

I have learned much from  these teachers I have supported. Each and every single one of them means something to me.

I don't think I dropped the ball ever, but might have lost a grip for a split second, and for that I am sorry.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

UPDATE!! The Lunch Teacher Tells the NYCDOE "You Can Suck My Culo Chica!"

The shit for the Lunch Teacher just got real. Yesterday, her 3020a hearing started and it got off to a very inauspicious start for the NYCDOE.

No just to update the Lunch Teacher is facing charges because she took her students to lunch at the proper time during testing in April of 2019 (You can read all past posts about the Lunch Teacher here.).

Before the hearing even began, the NYCDOE was desperate. They were in a "Oops, it seems like we really fucked up here," mode and were desperate. An offer was made.


The offer was a fine of $5k, no mention of her 3020a in the federal lawsuit (there are other torts besides the 3020a) and enter the world of the ATR's.

Her response she gave to her lawyer?

"Tell them to fuck themselves!" 

The Crack Team has since learned that her lawyer relayed her request using language in a New York State Bar Association approved manner.

The first witness to be heard was a supervisor from the Office of Special Investigation. Why was it a supervisor from OSI and not the investigator himself? Good question. The reason is the investigator is no longer employed by the DOE and, stranger, is he is nowhere to be found. For all intents and purposes he has dropped off the face of the Earth.

Now, he might be in hiding. Seems that said investigator left something pertinent out of his report. When he interviewed the Lunch Teacher, she had told him she was bringing her students to lunch. He left this out.

The Lunch Teacher did not like this. When she found out she filed a report with SCI. The Lunch Teacher doesn't like to be screwed with.

The OSI supervisor couldn't testify regarding the case. All he was able to do was look like a putz and explain the procedure of an investigation. Ooooooh!! Her attorney, reportedly channeled Al Pacino's role in "...And Justice for All," and stood up for her by shouting, "This impedes her due process!" 

Obviously, the NYCDOE got caught with it's knickers down. There was a time out in the hearing while the both sides went to their separate corners.

The Lunch Teacher's lawyer inquired what would how much of a fine would be OK with her. "Not for one fucking dollar," was her reply. 

Round two is this coming Monday. Principal Palpatine and her two Sith apprentices are expected to testify.

How fucked up is this? Why would  the NYCDOE lawyers approve such a frivolous case? There was nothing done here by the Lunch Teacher that warrants the waste of thousands of dollars by the DOE for something that could have been handled at the school level. If there was such an appalling breech of testing protocol why not bring the state into the matter? Principal Palpatine surely has a rabbi within the NYCDOE.

Know what is even worse. The silence coming from 52 Broadway. Here's a question. Is Uncle Mike Mulgrew made aware of each and every 3020a hearing happening? He should be. We pay his salary. I bet Pat Lynch is aware of every cop involved in a departmental trial. Shouldn't the taxpayers hear from our UFT president how the NYCDOE is literally wasting away millions are bullshit frivolous teacher discipline "hearings" Kangaroo Courts?

This does not happen anywhere else than New York City. Not upstate, not Westchester, not Long Island! Only here. It happens time after time after time because the NYCDOE has enablers.