Monday, July 16, 2012

If Only Christine Rubino Were Either Michelle Rhee, Mychael Willon, Derrick Townsend, John Chase JR, or Jose Maldanado-Rivera

I feel sorry for Christine Rubino. Not only has she been suspended without pay for two years, financially hanging on by the thinnest of threads, but worse, if she had only been an administrator her mistake of posting a message out of frustration on Facebook concerning her students would have been at best ignored, at worst, a slap on the wrist.

If Christine was a hot shot former superintendent of Washington DC schools like Michelle Rhee, she would be able to get away with duct taping the mouths of 1st grade students then laughing about it years later. Sadly, Christine is just a darn damn fine teacher that truly made a mistake and feel remorse.

Perhaps if Christine was a former principal from Wichita KS, hmm, like Dr Mychael Willon and was caught in some lewd and lascivious act alone in a Wichita KS adult bookstore then went on to get a mail order PhD and eventually get hired by the DOE as a network leader and then promoted to a job within Tweed, Christine would not have to be selling her house to pay for the legal bills and to put food on the table for her children.

How about if Christine was an assistant principal at my school, PS 154 and Christine dragged students down the hall, dragged a student from the yard to inside the school, and dragged and bruised a 9 year old girl like Derrick Townsend did Christine would have no worries now. Like Derrick Townsend, Christine's only penalty would be a desk job in Committee for Special Education 2 in The Bronx. But, right now Christine needs to look to her parents, who are in their golden years, for support.

Maybe if Christine were the principal at Bronxdale High School and she could have bragged, like principal John Chase Jr had, her deviant sexual fantasies with inanimate objects. Of course Christine has no reason to do that, nor would she ever share such  things as the perverted principal had, but Christine would have gotten a slap on the wrist like John Chase Jr did. But sadly, Christine is looking at an uncertain future.

But most disturbing, most curious, is that the person who set this off, Principal Jose Maldanado-Rivera of the Columbia Secondary School, who through his negligence, through his in competence, through sheer stupidity, allowed Nicole Suriel age 12 to die. To die a horrible death, a preventable death, a hollow death. All because this man, Maldanado-Rivera just was too lazy and too stupid to make sure there were permission slips for the students and that all students were capable swimmers.

Christine Rubino never would have done something like putting a child in danger. Christine Rubino is not only too smart, but too caring, too loving, and too much of a human being to ever not be vigilant when it comes to a student's safety.

But, for one mistake, a mistake that Christine has shown true remorse, she not only was fired originally, but upon further review, suspended without pay for two years, but has lost or about to lose everything. This is not only unfair, but an indictment on how screwed up, how pathological the NYC DOE has become.Don't think any of these administrators have shown remorse. Only when caught have they.

It is time to hold the looking glass over administrators everywhere and finally put the onus on them for how dysfunctional education is now in NYC. It is time for administrators to stop being held to such a low standard and start being held accountable. This pogrom on teachers must end now.


  1. Absolutely on the mark! Your blog cites just a few more examples from the uncountable numbers, that not only confirms how dysfunctional and inept the DOE is, but also the the corruption and fakes, phonies and frauds who perpetuate this sham in the name of education. When will someone who can make a difference and create change for the better, demonstrate the courage to step up and make it happen. Call the aforementioned fakes, phonies and frauds to task--expose them for what they really are!

  2. We live in a system of two legal systems. One for the teachers.

    And another for the higher-ups, such as masking-tape-on-kids' mouths Rhee and bookstore-indecency Willon.

  3. Thank you for all your thorough research on the vulgar and the tragic misdeeds of administrators in need of improvement.
    The Nicole Suriel case remains the most tragic.
    As I posted today, there is too light a standard for school "leaders." I've posted on the link between Campbell Brown, StudentsFirst, Michelle Rhee and one allegedly pervvy mayor Kevin Johnson. Brown crows about unions protecting lewd teachers. But notice her silence about Kevin Johnson and the lewd or deadly mistakes of the supervisors you noted.


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