The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School is a happy place, an innovative place, a place in which the students themselves suffer no consequences and all is joyful.
Students, usually the same ones every single day, who don't wish to go to class are coddled and given walks around the school all day long in which to contemplate how to keep from going to class the next day.
So what if the wandering student doesn't learn, or even comes from a dysfunctional home. What matters is that the student feels safe and responsive at The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School and knows that all he or she needs to do to avoid sitting in the classroom is to throw a tantrum, whine, or act out in order to wander the halls, escorted, day after day after day.
The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School opens its arms to all. A big demented symbolic smile is etched across the school as it opens its symbolic arms to the community. It's a The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School that loves all and wants to be loved in returned.
Conformity is the norm. All must be the same, all must not be different. Not only for the students, but those that are involved in the students education.
Group thought reigns. Whether it be the smiles that must be plastered on the faces, or the "gee whilickers, every morning is just fucking great" attitude all must be possessed or the wrath will be turned upon those that don't.
Those who are involved in the education of students are expected to walk the same amount of goose steps to and fro throughout the The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School. No deviation is allowed from the burning bush. All is known, all is correct, and those that speak up, will soon be put down.
Worse for those that educate at The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School is those that wish to shine on their own. Those that are creative, those that think outside of the box, are soon hammered down like a nail. A nail that can't be acknowledged.
All this is just an ersatz education. Smoke and mirrors. There is not there there, no substance at The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School. How can it be when the curriculum is just the pigeon poop of education? Gee, the scores are low, the students aren't able to read, so let's double down on the same old crap that is being pushed on the students like a dealer selling more and more smack to a junkie?
Wait a waste, what a scam, what a con being done to the children and families of NYC.
This might seem off topic, but it just came to my mind.
Would any of the bullshit that is perpetrated day in and day out in the NYC DOE be tolerated for more than a minute in the suburbs?
Would it be tolerated in the burbs?
This type of myopic, "positive" attitude or else (pragmatic thinkers need not apply) knows no boundaries.