Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Press Release From Senator Tony Avella Concerning PS 29 in Queens

This came across the SBSB newsroom just the other day. State Senator Tony Avella, sent out a press release on October 11, 2013 in the matter of Jennifer Jones-Rogers of PS 29 in Queens.

For those that don't recall, this blog covered the travesty Jones-Rogers reign of error here, here, and here. 

The Crack Team would like to give a shout out to Senator Avella for putting his energy, giving his attention, and working tirelessly to see to it that the children and community of PS 29 were put first.

The press release (The Crack Team added the highlights);


  1. Great news for the people of PS 29! They have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Perhaps Ms. Rogers will reflect on all the good things she threw away with lack of respect for the people she was chosen to lead during this holiday.

  2. Hey maybe the Senator can help you with your principal, South Bronx Teacher!

  3. Good work, Peter. And Happy Thanksgiving.


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