Monday, November 24, 2008

My Brush With ACS

On Friday afternoon I called the child abuse hotline in Albany to report what the King did on Tuesday. I just had to. One I am a mandated reporter, and two there is something just not quite right at the home that this boy uses these phrases that he does. Also I feel that this was going to be swept under the rug at the school and proactive stand needed to be taken.

By the time I got home on Friday a representative from NYC ACS called me. It was too late and was planning on calling her today at lunch but she got hold of me quicker and stopped by the school. Was simple. Just told her again what had transpired and what my opinion is of it. She interviewed the King and the paras and I believe the teacher. A home visit is going to be made, and what will be done will be done. All I want is what is right for the King. He is five years old and already is starting from the back of the pack. It is just not fair that the school where we are in loco parentis and should know better has just screwed him over.

The King has gone through three teachers, countless paras, and zero help. He has been in the wrong setting for the entire year and it was known, well known to the administration that he must be where he should. District 75, in an 8:1:1 setting. Bollocks to them if they say there was no room. Make room. Move heaven and earth and do the right thing. Hopefully this will grease the skids and it will now happen.

But will the right thing be done? Last week because of the weather the students stayed in during lunch. Two first grade students were in the auditorium with their grade and were caught making out. Yes you read that right. Making out. With tongues in each others mouths, and hands all over the place. What became of it I have no idea. Was the right thing done? I would bet my paycheck that it wasn't.

Know why I doubt it? because I filed a DOE incident report with John Deacon Tuesday. By law or chancellor's regs it must be submitted within 24 hours. I am also, if I request it, to receive a control number. I asked for it on Friday afternoon. I was told that it was unavailable, to come back on Monday. Today I had my first chance to ask for it just before school ended. John Deacon was nowhere to be found. John Deacon had left the building.

1 comment:

  1. Watch your back! Make "trouble" for these thugs, and I aint talking about the kids, and they can set you up.

    20 years expereince and have worked in da Bronx.


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