Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Alex Lifeson of Rush Demonstrates How To Deal With NYC DOE Investigators

Alex Lifeson turned 60 yesterday. Please take time to wish Alex a happy birthday in your own special way.

We've all been told never to speak with an investigator from Office of Special Investigations or Special Commissioner's Office. I suggest we take it one step further. We as teachers need to look to Alex Lifeson on how to actually comport ourselves while being interviewed by NYCDOE


  1. If you do not speak with an investigator, you are immediately determined to be guilty of whatever they have alleged you did, and will testify to this new "fact" at your 3020-a. Dont believe anyone's version that you should not speak with an investigator, including the UFT reps. HOWEVER, you must talk ONLY about what YOU want them to hear, and document everything.

  2. And here are the relevant decisions:




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