I am surprised not one blog, most of all Gotham Schools has yet to mention this. The fact that the Post did I find shocking. In fact I didn't know about this until I spoke to a colleague just a few minutes ago. But I do have a big s**t eating grin now. I wonder if RtTT poster boys Whitney (I-684 Rest Area) Tilson and Thomas W. Carroll will even bother mentioning it.
But it seems that the Children First mentality is alive and well still amongst the EDiots. It seems that in their whoring, er, I meant application to the feds for $$$, someone, somehow slipped that $200k will be spent on office furniture. Yes!!! Read on:
The bizarre equipment wish list was so outrageous that three of the five judges who reviewed New York's "Race to the Top" application blasted it in written comments -- focusing on 24 "executive chairs" that cost $550 each, or more than $13,000 total.WTF is an executive chair? And why does it cost $550? The crack office supply team here at SBSB did some research and found the Boss Lumbar Support Executive Chair at overstock.com for only $84.99. Plus tax and shipping. Still a great bargain. Unfortunately children don't need this.
But is that it? No.
State officials also sought 15 regular desks at $3,000 each, nine L-shaped desks at $1,800 a pop and 15 printers that each cost more than $1,500. The officials also wanted four computer stations at $2,500 each and two bookcases -- at a steep $3,000 each -- they said would go into new offices they'd create to support the educational initiatives.Why are such expensive desks needed? Here is some advice. The crack team here at SBSB contacted Dwight Schrute at Dunder Mifflin. He said to call him and he will set these EDiots up with great deals. He will also teach them German, and give them some survival training.
Here's part of the problem. And not as Joe Williams, Whitney Tilson's #1 john said, "The application had a lot of problems -- and the chairs are the least of it." Nope. Or the other thing Williams blabbered, "It reminds you of rearranging executive chairs on the Titanic. The problem isn't with the chairs -- it's that our ship has hit an iceberg," True, but I first must take umbrage with your analogy. That is my line about the Titanic, and secondly the iceberg was hit along time ago when EDiots like Joe Williams got involved in education.
The problem is when you start running contests, beauty pageants, etc... for federal dollars like RtTT people, especially EDiots turn into prostitutes. Not saying this is abnormal, it is quite normal. Just look at Tweed and the money the lavish on prostitutes, oops, I meant consultants. Which further brings into question the Queen of Educational Prostitution, Eva Moskowitz and her $350k salary, or even male prostitute, Thomas W Carroll and his profit running, bond selling Brighter Choice thingy. When there is money involved, there are hands out. And when the hands are out the slime (Eva, Tommy Carroll, Malcolm Smith, etc...) rise to the top for their share and only their share.
A judge was quoted as saying, "These inclusions compromise the state's narrative as a careful steward of public funds." Is this not a red flag to the entire process of RtTT? A process that has made states completely whore themselves for money? This is just the tip. The whole ugly iceberg is still beneath the service. It is time for it to be exposed.