I had some business to do at 52 Broadway today. I signed in with the security guard and inquired whether or not I can see "the dear leader." He said he is in and gave me a pass to go to the 11th floor as well.
After my business I head on up to the 11th floor and notice that they are selling movie tickets (Our union hard at work!). Now mind you, I was being a big of a smart ass, but instead of asking for Mulgrew I asked for Philippe Pétain. Nobody got the reference. Eventually I asked to see Mulgrew and when asked by Marsha (Marcia?) why I want to see him I explained;
"I pay $100 a month to this union. I have just gone through a 3020-a hearing and had to deal with confirmation that the email in question is true and assorted perjured testimony. I want to discuss with Mike what is the union doing for me and for others in this situation. Where is the outrage?"Marsha (Marcia?) told me to have a seat. I spoke to someone else who explained to me that President Mikey's office is not only on the 11th floor but he has offices all over the building. That met with guffaw from me.
So I sat down and waited. After about 5 minutes of waiting and watching people pay the UFT for movie tickets security came and asked me to leave.
Now mind you I harbor no ill feelings towards the Mike the security guy. He was quite pleasant and had explained to me that he thought I was coming up to the 11th floor for movie tickets but nevertheless had to leave anyhow.
I am confused and I shared my confusion with Mike.
Why is it that a person who works for me and for other teachers is too busy (At least he can send a representative) to see me? As I explained to Mike, it is easier for me to get into my local state senator's office than to see Presidenté Mike.
When I live in Greenburgh I was able to walk into town hall and meet with Supervisor Paul Finer. My wife was able to get hold of John Mara when she had a complaint about the Giants. I can redress almost all my elected officials, CEO's of major corporations, heck even this guy heard back from the owner of the Knicks, James Dolan.
Isn't it time for Mikey to come down from wherever he is and meet with the multitudes who pay his salary? Isn't it time for Mikey to really listen to us in other than staged forums?
Is it not time for Mulgrew to hear and listen to the masses? Is it not time he leave the gilded tower of 52 Broadway and truly listen to us and not just solve our problems with hashtags? Is it not time he allows us to be part of the process?
We're done of hearing, "We don't want them to be mad at us," "At least we get a seat at the table," "It could have been worse," "It's the best we can do."
We're done. It's time Mulgrew represents the best interests and listens to the rank and file of the UFT.
Mike's kingdom is the 14th floor, not 11.
Maybe " movie tickets" are code for something. Rumor has it that you bought a building maintenance uniform online and will be going back.
Maybe " movie tickets" are code for something. Rumor has it that you bought a building maintenance uniform online and will be going back.
You are definitely not what represents the best interest of our Union!
This is why Mikey must go he is to busy being a politician instead labor leader
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