SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: The Enabling That Allows Orlando and Hate Must End!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Enabling That Allows Orlando and Hate Must End!

Wow, I have been silent of late, no? I need to get back in gear. Fortunately, spring baseball season is now over and never again does my son play for three teams in the spring again.

A lot has been on my mind of late concerning Trump and his pro-fascisim idiocy. There is a correlation between Trump running for president and the deform movement we have seen in education over the last 10-15 years. But that is a blog post for another time.

What has been bugging me more since Sunday is the massacre that occurred in Orlando. I am sickened by it and sickened at how some of our "so called" leaders in this country have enabled and greased the skids for it to happen. In fact I am sick and tired of all this hatred in this country towards groups that just want to be treated fairly, as humans, and as Americans.

I am proud to be part of MORE and even though I disagree at times with MORE on the extent of involvement in social justice at times as well as how the message is delivered, I know that I share 99% of the sentiments.

Even if you don't agree with MORE at all about the social justice side, think about it. MORE will never ever be the type of caucus that associates itself with a racist former police captain that believes blacks lives mean diddly squat and associates with deranged mentally ill politicians. 

But I have digressed.

So a friend of mine of over 30 years posted something on Facebook tonight written by Elle Barts and a great meme that you see in the upper right hand corner of this blog post. It really touched me and I wanted to share it.

You say, "How could this tragedy happen?" It happened because Omar Mateen's hate was born and bred in America, not overseas. Just 2 weeks ago you were calling the trans community child predators. 1 year ago you were saying that our marriages shouldn't be recognized. 6 years ago you were saying that gay men and women couldn't die for their country. 10 years ago you told us we didn't deserve job protections. 13 years ago it took Lawrence v. Texas to decriminalize our sex lives. 18 years ago you took Matthew Shepard. 23 years ago you took Brandon Teena. 36 years ago the American Government sat silently for 5 years as 10,000 gay men were massacred by the AIDS virus. 43 years ago we were still considered mentally ill. And 47 years ago the riots of Stonewall began. For centuries this country has bred homophobia into our history, into our schools, and into the very fabric of society. Omar Mateen was the product of American hate. America taught him this, and even sold him the gun to do it.

Hate sucks. People who enable hate suck too. People who associate with hate suck as well. 


Anonymous said...

Sorry Elle Barts but you have this all wrong. It is not America that has had a different point of view than homosexuals. Every country in this whole world has had at one point or another that same different view. In fact in other parts of the world you lose your life if you are a homosexual (SAUDI ARABIA). Compare to other parts of the world America is a safe heaven for homosexuals. omar mateen was a product of his own actions, his own thoughts, his own hate. Stop looking for excuses for peoples wrong doings, he is solely responsible for his own EVEIL ways.

Anonymous said...

This guy was radicalized by the crazy people from the middle east. The middle east is proving to be the wasteland of the earth in that:
1. They cannot produce and grow anything in the desert
2. They cannot and have not produced anything of value to society
3. They constantly believe in fighting as a means to obtain seniority
4. Man made religions claiming to take over the world yet these cultures resist technology, treat woman badly not allowing woman an education or to drive a car and the woman all must wear these medieval costumes covering their entire bodies and face - except eyes - and please no one reply and tell me what the name is hyjeb or some bullshit like that I really don't care to know
5. Laws that are blatantly opposing American law

Obama has had terror attacks for every year he has been president and he still will not admit tht the attacks are from muslim extremists. Obama has let the flood gates open and more than half million muslims have entered our country because they feel that america has a muslim president. Just imagine if trump was president i believe the muslims would migrate elsewhere

Anonymous said...

Can't it be both? Influenced by backward thinking muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and hatred blessed by our US history of the treatment of gay people as described in this post? Anyone who truly gives a shit about what 2 consenting adults do with each other or what genitals the person in the stall next to them was born with or currently has is a mindless jackass. Anyone who assaults or kills because of it, is a scumbag who should be jailed or if the laws of the state in which the crime was committed allow for it, executed. Our country certainly has it's share of gay hating scumbags too....and they're not all Koran wavers....some are Bible thumpers.

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