Not only that, the UFT is publicly preening itself in self-adulation as a teenage boy who has lost his virginity in playing its part. Yes, the emails, the phone calls, the robo-calls, and even the text messages from real people got 82% of voters to say heck no to Prop 1.
Just how much is the UFT kvelling in it's unprecedented "win?" Let's just look at Facebook...
So here is what I, and I am sure many others want to know. Why can't the UFT put the same time and effort in for its members that it does for defeating a NYS Constitutional Convention?
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into doing away with the fair student funding which is keeping many qualified teachers from permanent positions?
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into fixing the ATR problem?
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into exposing abusive principals?
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into make our union a true democratic union in which different ideas are debated and respected?
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into enforcing our collectively bargained contract?
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into ensuring that every member, whether active or inactive gets every last cent due them of monies owed since 2009, regardless on how one left the DOE?
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort to have ensured that we all get our retro in one sum, in 2015, instead of waiting until 2020 or 2021, both over a decade from when we should have had a contract and a raise.
Why can't the UFT put the time and effort into just doing the right thing? Really? Is it that difficult?
My dad used to tell me you can do anything you want when you decide to put your mind to it. Maybe the UFT should listen to what my dad had to say.