Monday, November 11, 2019

All Hail the New MORE Steering Committee

MORE or what is left of it, has elected in a supposed democratic manner, a new steering committee. We here at SBSB wish share with the masses who is now representing the followers.

Peter Lamphere: Peter Lamphere is a 17-year bilingual math and technology teacher and chapter leader at Gregorio Luperon HS in Washington Heights. As a founding member of MORE, he has tried to keep the organization focused on building a grassroots base of educators in the UFT by combining social justice demands with workplace organizing. We have to stay focused on connecting with our coworkers while we take on citywide issues alongside parent and student allies.

I got a soft spot for Peter. He did help me when I was suspended however I am not happy with what he has become. I do believe he led the coup that led to the Purge of 2018. Having said that, his bio that he is focused on building a grassroots base of educators and connecting co-workers only means that like minded as Peter is all that matters. Dissenting voices need not apply. Remember, Peter does not like winning which makes it al the more puzzling that he won an election to be on the steering committee. 

D Myrie: MORE is the social justice caucus within the United Federation of Teachers and  I, Myrie take great pride to participate as a potential member of our steering committee.  I am running because it shows that democracy is alive and well within our caucus with a systemic  rotation of leadership. I am running because I have been an active member of MORE with a shared vision based on UCORE's principles.

Come on Dermott! You can't be serious about, "I am running because it shows that democracy is alive and well within our caucus." Do you not have any introspection, any ability to look within one's self and see the hypocrisy of your words here? Must you be reminded (here, here, and here.) The lack of self awareness you show Dermott is shocking. But I look forward to your comical declarations for resolutions at future Delegate Assemblies. 

Kevin Prosen: Kevin has been a chapter leader or delegate at I.S. 230 in Jackson Heights for the past eight years.  He has organized his staff in grievance campaigns and to fight for working conditions as well as activating his staff and school community around social justice concerns like immigration rights.  He writes occasionally about the politics of teachers unions for a variety of progressive outlets. He has served on MORE steering committee many times in the past.

What a guy! Curses out old ladies at MORE meetings at storms out like Joan Collins did in Dynasty. 

Aixa Rodriguez: I am running for steering of MORE, the social justice caucus within the United Federation of  Teachers to keep the energy and momentum of what MORE has been fighting for going.  I have been an active member of MORE and hope to help shepherd it to grow and firm up our relationships with allies, and host events to educate and empower members. I am an ESL teacher and see how intersectional problems manifest in public education, impacting our careers and quality of life. I believe that social justice issues are education issues and MORE should be in the position of being the conscience of our union. Parental leave, integration, gentrification, teacher evaluations, school closures, professional autonomy and paperwork, racial justice issues and more interweave and interact to impact our students and us. You may be a member of one of my facebook groups, or seen me at a PEP meeting or at a rally. Maybe you hear me and Myrie on WBAI on La Voz Latina. Now I am building a voice on a small BronxNet show called InformNation tackling community issues and public education.  I am running for steering because I believe when one member steps back, another must step forward.

Hmmm. First Solidarity, than MORE, then fangirl of Dermott, then token person of color running with MORE in UFT elections, then thinks she is Oprah because 5 people watch her TV show and 2 listen to her on the radio. Oh let's not forget she is the champion of minorities unless you are Dominican and she refers to you as trash on her Facebook group.  Shall we have a look (Click to enlarge)? ADASA trash?

The Crack Team also believe that Aixa has plenty to answer for concerning her puppet, Chris Vasquez' actions and behavior of late. Aixa never misses and opportunity to be an opportunist. 

Kit Wainer: I was a teacher for 31 years and a UFT chapter leader for 21 years. I want to help MORE develop deeper roots within the schools, among members who want to organize their co-workers to defend their rights. A stronger base among school-based activists will better enable us to effectively promote our vision of rank and file militance, union democracy, and solidarity with other workers and social movements.

Again, union democracy Kit when you can't even practice it yourself? 

And the one loser, well actually a winner, is none other than MORE's very own answer to Animal House's Greg Marmalard, (CLICK HERE!!!)...

Mike Stivers: I'm a high school special education teacher in Park Slope. I currently serve on the steering committee and want to continue to build on our work this year and provide continuity to the group in the transition. I would like to help MORE develop a stronger focus on helping UFT members, MORE members and not, build strong chapters at school that can meaningfully address the issues that we confront day to day. I would also like to contribute to the administrative side of our caucus - especially by launching a new dues drive in 2020 to create more long term financial stability for us and our campaigns. 

Mike rocks!! He lost!! Mazel Tov!! He followed the MORE playbook to the letter. Why win an election when you can lose an election and not look like a winner or someone that cares? We here applaud Mike Stivers and his losing ways. Mike, you are a true member of MORE now. The Crack Team wishes to award you it's Fickle Finger of Fate award and have a dinner in your honor. Please reach out The Crack Team awards committee ASAP so we can make proper arrangements.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall of those soon to be steering meetings. Pure. Comedy. Gold.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The New York Post Yet Again Defiles Teachers

Oh, the New York Post is at it again blaming and shaming teachers for the ills of the NYC
educational system. In the minds of the Post, "If only those gosh darn fucktard teachers will all drop dead the students of New York will learn." To which one can respond, "Fuck you Post!"

This past Sunday, the Post had its second hit piece on teachers in three weeks. It must have been a slow couple of weeks at the Post. One can hazard to guess there were no stories about how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez uses only one ply bathroom tissue or that she puts mayo on a brisket sandwich. Heaven forbid!!

No, but let's denigrate teachers some more thinks the Post. And especially naughty, dirty teachers who went through the process and an arbitrator found (They kept their jobs) in the favor.

I am not going to comment on these teachers cases nor post their names. They had their day in Kangaroo Court and the city fucked up the cases or didn't do their due diligence.

Let's have a look...

But blundering educrats called investigators too late

The alleged victim recanted,

The DOE did not appeal the decision in court.

Why not take the DOE to task? If one goes to a restaurant and the food sucks, does one blame the waiters or the person who selected the ingredients and cooked the food?

Back on October 19 the Post had it's 345,988th article that basically said the same thing...

"ATRs suck, ATRs are costing the city gazillions of dollars, all ATRs should be banished to an uninhabited island, start a new culture, and kill themselves off like they did in Lord of the Flies, yada, yada..." 

Yeah, we know the story. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Ok? We get it already!!

And to top it off, the Post interviews the Clown from Solidarity (See! I am not mentioning his name!!!) that has never met a camera, video, or recorder in which he can't blabber about himself. And he can't even get the quote right.

Hey, I am happy for the Clown from Solidarity in getting a full time gig. All the more power to him. But he just couldn't help making his quote all about himself instead of saying something like...

"While I am fortunate that I have been able to leave the ATR pool, I will not rest until all my ATR brothers and sisters find a permanent home and teachers across the city are treated as professionals and adults." 

But that is just a fantasy I have. It'll never happen. But a leopard will never change its spots.

Why doesn't the Post do an expose on all the incompetent and corrupt principals across the city who instead of being terminated are instead whisked off to the safety of Tweed or 65 Court St after they are caught cheating, advocating pot smoking, cooking the books, stealing, banging their secretaries or so many other misdeeds? And the funny thing is that these cushy gigs these principals get aren't vacancies. These gigs are created! Like, "Director of InterBorough School Book Distribution," or "Executive Superintendent for Pre-3 College Readiness."

Nah, it'll never happen.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Time is Now for Transparency at the UFT Delegate Assembly

I have been a UFT delegate for about a year now. In fact my first meeting was the
"emergency meeting" that was held when the new contract was agreed upon. I think I went to that a little headstrong and spoke when I should've listened, but everything is a learning curve.

But one thing I would like to see is the Delegate Assembly meetings become much, much, more transparent to the rank and file. The DA is for all intents and purposes is like Congress, right? Wait, bad example. Is like the New England Town meeting? Help.

Yes, any rank and file member off the street can come to a DA meeting and observe. But one can only observe in an inhospitable room on the 19th floor with through closed circuit TV, with a grainy analog picture. In this day and age should there not be at least a clear digital picture?

Why isn't the Delegate Assembly streamed live? The UFT website and app, Facebook, Periscope, and Twitter (Am I leaving anything out?), can all be used to show the UFT in action but more importantly get more teachers involved in the process as well as giving the rank and file more ownership. Where would we be as citizens without C-Span if Congress was allowed to operate without cameras? Yeah, poor example.

The voting process can use tweaking. When a resolution is voted on delegates hold aloft their voting cards. Nothing is counted. That's hard. What's easy is to say something passes by proclamation by just seeing a lot of cards being held up.

The UFT has an app. Can there not be a delegates only section on the app? And in this delegates only section delegates would be able to vote yay or nay on any resolution? This can be done. Heck, I have seen it done with lesser technology. This way, each vote would be secret as well as have an accurate count.

Lastly, why do I as a delegate get an advanced copy of the topics of each Delegate Assembly? Why must the rank and file be in the dark? Again, the outlets for the UFT to share the DA agenda with the rank and file are limitless. It's time this agenda was shared ahead of time (Click to enlarge if need be).

Yeah, it's nice to support the Hurricane Dorian victims and to raise the awareness of the 2020 census. I get it. I have no problem with the resolution supporting the UAW in their strike. But again, the point is being missed.

Where are the bread and butter issues and issues that effect the communities? What's going on with hiring ATRs permanently? What about abusive administrators? Useless chapter leaders? Lack of school nurses? Bus issues? Gifted and Talented? Specialized high schools? Retaining UFT members (I know I am leaving plenty off)? If there were a clothing drive for Dorian victims I would do what I could. If someone was needed to go door to door to raise awareness of the census, I would. But first things must be first. And that is simply our teachers, our communities, and our union and other unions.

The UFT has been taking baby steps. First with the app, and of course, with the concierge service. Let's have full transparency. It's time.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Music Teacher Can't Teach Music Out of Shit Served

Arthur Goldstein wrote an interesting piece today about overcrowded music classes in I
would assume his school, Francis Lewis HS. I was not aware that HS music could have 50 students in one class. I have always been aware (and I could be wrong) that even in elementary, Phys. Ed could have 50 students with one teacher.

Which brings me to elementary music or the appearance of it in one Bronx elementary school. Two years ago I wrote about Aaron, a teacher that was written up for bullshit and a failed attempt (gratefully) at suicide during his 3020-a hearing.

Aaron was the music teacher in his school at the time of his troubles.  In fact, Aaron was in my school for a year as an ATR music teacher about ten years ago. In that one school year at my school he put in a grant in and received about a dozen keyboards. The kids loved Aaron and loved going to his class. Sadly, when the year ended Aaron was not kept on.

At the school he was at when I came across him in my ATR travels and as of the basis of the writings above Aaron was yet again the music teacher and no longer an ATR. The school was damn lucky to have him. He gave of himself, going above and beyond constantly. The Christmas Spectaculars he put on were the talk of the community. Sadly, his principal did not care for him and wanted him out.

If Aaron Judge comes up to the plate without a bat, he won't get a hit, correct? Well, Aaron's principal decided not to supply him with the necessary accoutrements for him to succeed as a music teacher. Namely, he was not supplied with any musical instruments at all. Nada. Bupkus. Nichts.

What did Aaron have? He had iPads. What was on the iPads? Garage Band. That's it. No YouTube. No nothing else. How is a music teacher supposed to introduce and teach the appreciation of music with just an app? Why didn't the principal supply Aaron with the materials that would give him, not only the chance to succeed and shine, but to stimulate the minds of the students? The students were to learn keyboarding and whatever else, on an iPad.

I am all for integrating technology into the curriculum. But there has to be training. Aaron had ZERO chances or offers of professional development. Aaron was set up to fail.

Aaron is a professional musician. He has played on Broadway countless times and has played in several prominent jazz bands. Aaron as a deep love and historical knowledge of music, though I am perplexed at his lack of knowledge of Rush. Aaron is without a doubt a principal's dream to have on staff as a music teacher.

But the principal didn't care for Aaron. He wasn't part of the "cool kids" clique. Aaron had to be brought down at the expense of the students.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Christopher Vasquez Hates the UFT. Or He Loves the UFT? But He Seemingly Wants to Violate Me in a Vile Manner.

We here at SBSB wish to thank Chris Vasquez, formerly of Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation and Mount Vernon High School, for the shitloads of quality material he is supplying. As was mentioned at The Crack Team's last meeting, "Keep it up, Chris! There is gold in your little mind!"

Why not write about Chris? Here is failed (Terminated twice!) teacher that has no qualms violating teachers privacy, while scaring and intimidating a mostly female Facebook teacher's group. On top of that he is nothing but an outsider, looking in for eternity, while bashing my union. Want to bash the UFT, be a UFT member, not some outside inane drone.

Last night, Chris tweeted this(click to enlarge)...

So Chris is saving something for the next UFT election? Could it be invitations to his next birthday party? Or does he, along with his Patrón, have some secret method or formula to wrest control from Unity in the next UFT election in 2022? Good luck to that. It ain't happening. New Action/MORE had the best chance to build momentum from 2016 and we see how well that went. Chris' Patrón saw how low MORE sunk so let Chris keep rubbing one out in the corner while he fantasizes.

But he is bartering his ceasing to "overthrow" the UFT he claims that he left a clue or something for him to cease. Thanks to hard work from The Crack Team, it is now known what Chris left them.

All UFT members at the borough offices and 52 Broadway please pay attention.

Next month on specially branded King Vitamin cereal boxes there will be a treasure map on the back. Inside all boxes will be special "decoder glasses." Put the glasses on and look at the map. Doing this will lead you to where Chris left the "means." We here at SBSB salute Chris and his feeble ingenuity.

But we here at SBSB are confused. Whilst Chris obviously loathes the UFT, he just can't seem to let the UFT be a memory in his rear view memory (click to enlarge).

So Chris seems confused.Chris comes across has someone hurt by the UFT and has some bad feelings. Yet, in looking out for Chris he'll overlook everything if he gets a contract to work for the UFT. Doing what exactly? Maybe Chris can be a concierge? If Chris can promise me two tickets for the Nets-Heat game on January 10, I will welcome him with open arms at the UFT Welcome Center.

But it seems yet again that Chris is misplacing, or at least ignoring, his principles for personal gain. Why not? Chris learned well from his Patrón.

But most disturbingly is (click to enlarge)...

Seems Chris not only wants to shag me, but actually rape me in a church basement.

It is a compliment that at my age anyone finds me sexy, so thank you Chris. I try to do my best.

But it's not that I don't want to believe the data. I don't want to believe Chris' convoluted per-determined data that emanates from Chris' feeble brain.

On the other hand, I think Chris is a sick fuck to not only joke about rape but the fact that Chris has ideations of rape should preclude him from not only ever being employed by the United Federation of Employees but any public school system in New York State and/or the United States.

Women are raped day in and day out, and Chris Vasquez thinks nothing better than to joke about rape? Or maybe he is not joking at all?

Chris has apparently crossed the event horizon and is out of control. Chris seemingly shows that he is all about himself and for himself. That his needs alone are all that matters.

Chris it's time. It's not to late. Break free from the shackles that your Patrón has put you in. It is time to no longer be emasculated.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Former Wildlife Teacher Christopher Vasquez is a Sellout and It Appears, a Blackmailer

As previously mentioned here and here former Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation and Mount Vernon High School teacher Christopher Vasquez appears to come off as a teacher of principle. What would it take for Chris to stop harassing teachers?

The Crack Team engaged in an emergency meeting to discuss what kind of offer it can
make to Chris. Some of the ideas consisted of...

A gumball and gift certificate to Bennigan's.

2020 opening day tickets for the Hudson Valley Renegades.

Tickets for the Danbury Hat Tricks of the Federal Hockey League.

Those were just a few. But The Crack Team soon realized that the above was too little for Chris. Chris is a man of huge ideas, so the offer to him must be huge.

And what to offer him? The Crack Team decided to use Chris' own words...

So, what to do? A Gofundme page for Chris?

So what do these students of Wildlife and MVHS really mean to Chris? Nothing! Bupkus! As long as Chris gets what he wants, and an ounce of blood from Domincan administrators which Chris and his enabling, pulling his strings patrón seem to have issues with with of color Dominican administrators.

Chris got either discontinued or was denied tenure at Wildlife. What to do than to take is ire out on ADASA (Association of Dominican-American Administrators) whilst having his patrón whisper in his ear how racist and self-loathing this types are.

But yet Chris refuses to look in the proverbial mirror.

But The Crack Team surely thought that Chris was a man. A man of values and principles. A man that, at least from outward appearances, would stick up for the downtrodden, the abused, the outliers.

Sadly, it seems that Chris does have a price to forget these people and it is so easily divisible by three. But The Crack Team did bring up a good point.

This does not seem like a settlement nor an offer of one. There can't be, because for all his bluster and threats Chris has never filed a lawsuit. There doesn't seem a whole lot of there there.

What Chris has done, I am not an attorney, is make a good case for extortion. But I, nor anyone here at SBSB, believe that he should be prosecuted for this clown like attempt at extortion. He is too feeble minded and easily led by others to do such a thing consciously.

But remember, the real Chris Vasquez has no problem throwing those he claims he is fighting for under the bus. And he has no problems throwing teachers under the bus.

His patrón should reevaluate their relationship with Chris.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Christopher Vasquez Former Teacher at Mount Vernon HS Enters the Rabbit Hole

On top of yesterday;s blog post concerning former Mount Vernon High School teacher
Christopher Vasquez some more news about him came into the SBSB newsroom.

The Crack Team has confirmed that Chris was a teacher at Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation in the Bronx. Chris denied tenure before he went on to Mount Vernon High School.

At the time of Chris' problems at Wildlife, he was introduced to several members of UFT Solidarity by another NYCDOE teacher who at the time was close with Solidarity but no longer is. This teacher ran with MORE in this year's UFT elections, and it has been speculated by some, yet not confirmed, that this teacher is enabling Chris by passing along information as well as helping him violate teachers Facebook privacy.

Another News12 Westchester story also came across the SBSB news desk today as well. This time, Chris bantered with reporter Rebecca Solomon in his backyard.

Accordinng to News12, "The district won't comment on personnel matters, but Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Hamilton ordered a lockout at all schools Tuesday because of a "disgruntled employee."

Yes, a disgruntled employee, not just of Mount Vernon, but the Bronx as well. But think, Chris caused a lockout of the entire Mount Vernon City School District. That's 15 schools in total!!! Chris disrupted the lives of so many children that he professes to care about.  

"He says a tenured teacher has been illegally selling food to students, but News 12 received an anonymous tip saying Vasquez orchestrated the cellphone videos of students to incriminate teachers."

NO! Christopher Vasquez is manipulating data to fit his warped sense of self as well as his warped sense of reality? The Crack Team is aghast. 

 "News 12 was told that Vasquez brought box cutters to school, but he explained that he brought them in one time to prep lab equipment."

Box cutters in a school? To prep lab equipment? Come on. 

In the video, Chris claims that he made videos of "students talking about school corruption" and then posting these videos on YouTube. But here is the question. Did the students know they were being filmed? Did the students give Chris permission? As we can see from Chris' track record, we don't discount the students were either lied to, not told, or were manipulated.

According to the video, the cell phone videos he took of students were manipulated specifically to incriminate teachers. 

Chris in the video also claims, "that other teachers have reached out to me" about corruption in the school, yet not one teacher has seem to have his back.

Chris denies at the end of the video that he was fired from the NYC DOE but rather states...
“I didn't like where the narrative at the school was heading, and what the new principal was doing so I left.”
Yeah, sure. 

Chris also claims that he is going to take legal action but as of this writing there is no evidence is has.

Again, we see Chris has no problem living in a special fantastical world and throwing other teachers under the bus.

Chris, get help. You're heading down a not good path.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Former Mount Vernon High School Teacher Christopher Vasquez Trolls NYC Teachers

Many who read this blog or know me, know that I am not a "union shill," nor even a "union goon." If the UFT does something I disagree with, I will speak my mind. If the UFT does something I agree with, my mind will be spoken.

In my opinion, the UFT has been inconsistent in how it reaches out to and supports the rank and file. And chances are I am not the only one that feels that way.

I stayed with the UFT because a union that is not fully functioning is better than no union at all. Those that left, they have no right to bitch and complain anymore. Those on the outside have never had a right to complain about the UFT, and I will defend the UFT against anyone who wished to denigrate it. Just like in Animal House.

That being said, there is a cancer out there. A non-UFT member, trying to sow discord amongst the rank and file, and worse, trolling closed Facebook NYC teacher groups. All the while not only publishing teachers words (That they believe are private), but their names as well all over Twitter, without permission nor knowledge. The account (NYC Public School Comments) and handle (@NYCSchooIs) (very inventive Chris uses an I instead of an L) run by disgruntled former teacher Christopher Vasquez has been bringing a lot of anxiety to these people, who are mostly women, and whose comments are reasonably expected are being shared amongst friends and confidantes.

Now I will give Chris some props. He does want better schools. But his logic, graphs, and conclusions come across as convoluted and per-determined to fit his hypothesis.

So who is Christopher Vasquez? Chris used to be with the DOE and soon went to Mount Vernon High School from where he was terminated in 2018 for causing a lockout. Let's look at some highlights.

According to News 12...
The Mount Vernon school district was on lockout as a safety precaution Tuesday over a disgruntled employee, according to the district.

In a statement, a district spokesperson said that they were made aware over the weekend of a number of concerning statements made on social media by a disgruntled employee that were emailed to staff members.

Chris Vasquez reached out to News 12 saying he's the reason for the lockout. Vasquez, a science teacher, says he alerted Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Hamilton about corruption from inside school. Dr. Hamilton then sent Vasquez a letter ordering him to go on paid leave.
Vasquez alleges a teacher is selling food to students, and in one case, that a teacher pushed a student into the window for not paying for a bag of chips, causing him to bleed.
So the corruption at the school (And mind you this is not the only blog post on Chris. More is to come) was a teacher selling food and another teacher pushing a student into a window.

Let's look at some things. One, the teachers selling food. That's all the information we have, or for that matter, anyone. Was there a food drive? Was this for charity? What are the details?

Secondly, the teacher who pushed a student into the window causing him to bleed. Where is the proof? I'm not saying this did not happen and if it did happen the way Chris claims then the teachers should face all available penalties. But according to News 12...
Vasquez then shared his concerns by posting comments on social media and emailing the staff about what he says he's witnessed.
But if there were truly an assault, where just post on social media? Why not go to the Mount Vernon Police? If he didn't trust MVPD then go to the Westchester District Attorney. He could have gone to the Journal News in both instances.

But from this News 12 article and others The Crack Team has come across Christopher Vasquez has no problem, no guilt, no feeling about throwing a colleague under the bus if it serves a purpose for himself.

And that is what he has been and continues to do on Facebook. Taking comments of teachers, mostly female, and using their comments to fit his narrative. He has already caused plenty of consternation, anxiety, and yes, even some fear.

Christopher Vasquez is about himself it appears. He has no qualms on who he damages or hurts. Give this guy a wide berth.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

NYCDOE Legal Continues to Throw Spaghetti Against the Wall to Nail Teachers

Oh, the DOE lawyers are at it again. Throwing the proverbial spaghetti on the wall and seeing what will stick.

Yet another teacher's frivolous 3020-a charges have come across desks of the SBSB news team. We are not in a position to share details of the case nor the teacher as of yet. However, one spec did catch the eye of The Crack Team (click to enlarge):

Just in case anyone is having difficulty reading, this specification reads...

On or about and between September 5, 2018 and May 13, 2019, Respondent yelled at student(s).

We here at SBSB wish to know was the teacher yelling at the students on weekends and days that school wasn't in session or just days that school was in session. Was this one continuous yell for eight months, or was a series of yells?

Which student(s)? Usually, in the specs it gives Student A, Student B, and so on. There is nothing. In fact, it might be one student or more than one student. The dicktards at Legal don't know? Shouldn't they? 

In fact, define yelling. Is it the Tarzan yell perfected by Johnny Weismuller or Carol Burnett? Or more along the line of Lou Costello yelling for Abbott?

There are 250 days from September 5 through May 13. Minus the 72 weekends days, and that comes to 178 days. Let's subtract 28 vacation days, and that comes to 150 days. That's ONE HUNDRED FIFTY TWO instructional days between September 5, 2018, and May 13, 2019 that this teacher MIGHT have yelled at a student(s).

Can you imagine a REAL lawyer asking a witness, "Where were you on the night(s) between September 5 and May 13?" Hilarity would surely ensue in the court.

When you got nothing, better find something, anything, and take it out of context and make it seem something. That's what these so called lawyers at the DOE do. They take anything and use it to destroy a teachers career and their lives. Why, you may ask? It's simple. Because they can. Unimpeded.

And they can't do it alone. If there were enough of a ruckus from the UFT, this could stop. There should have been language in the contract, that was agreed to just less than a year ago, that would have put the brakes on the arbitrariness and capriciousness of charges brought by the DOE "lawyers."

But meanwhile this teacher is now forced to roll the dice with their career.

How much longer?

Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Tone Deafness of the UFT Never Ceases

I spent time the last two days focused on the Taconic Mountains as well as the Berkshires. There's a spot I love up there. From about Copake, in southeast Columbia County, towards Millerton NY, as you look to the east driving down Route 22 and see the mountains rising along the Massachusetts border. It brings me out of reality into a world that I have been a part of for over forty years that has really not changed much. Sadly reality is about to come back. I escaped some sad UFT reality on Thursday.

I don't want to go into too much into detail other than to say I will soon have my right shoulder replaced. I dislocated it in 1987, and the roosters have come home to roost. The shoulder, sadly, is on life support.

But I'm planning ahead and something happened Thursday to throw a monkey wrench into my well laid plans. Of course, I thought to myself, call the UFT. Mind you, and this is about 1 PM on August 29.

Well, I did and this is where the Kafaesque, rabbit hole, of inanity began. The inanity and the tone deafness of the UFT is what really got my knickers in a bunch.

So I call. I hear, "Hi this is Mike Mulgrew, yada, yada, yada," I raise an eyebrow. Mike asks me to stay on hold. OK. Then I have to listen to New Age music for a minute or two until I hear...

"Hi, this is Tim, the UFT, concierge, how may I help you?"

"Is this the Bronx UFT?" I ask.

"This is the UFT," Tim replies.

"But is this the BRONX UFT?"

"This is the UFT."

I hang up and try back. I get Lance, another UFT concierge. Well, after listening to Mulgrew and more New Age music.

I inquire to Lance why am I getting 52 Broadway even though I am dialing 718-379-6200. Lance informs me that though the Bronx UFT has been open since Monday and apparently they have yet to turn on their phones.

"Can you transfer me there please?"

Lance responds, "We can't."

"Can you try?"

"OK, I'll try."

Lance gives it the old college try. While on hold I hear New Age music and Lance at the same time trying to transfer me and asking others how to transfer calls. This is my UFT and yours too, hard at work. And putting our union dues to good work.

I did eventually reach out to someone, a teacher, who actually knew what to do. So problem solved. For now. 

But, why are our dues not only going to Lance and Tim, but to a concierge service as well? The definition of a concierge as I know it is...
 a usually multilingual hotel staff member who handles luggage and mail, makes reservations, and arranges tours broadly : a person employed (as by a business) to make arrangements or run errands
Lance and Tim I believe are not concierges in the traditional sense. I believe they are receptionists/phone operators. But since they and the UFT are calling them concierges guess what? I want Mulgrew's US Open tickets for this week. I'll take quarter final tickets. Two. I'm not greedy.

Oh, and two tickets for The Who, good seats, at Jones Beach on September 15.

I don't think I am being out of line. Tim and Lance work for all of us dues paying over 100 dollars a month teachers. We here at SBSB suggest you pick up the phone ring Lance or Tim Tuesday and get what you need.

Hell, see if they can't send out fir your dry cleaning and get your shoes polished.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ATR Information for 2019-2020

It's time to clear out rumors and whatnot about ATRs this year. A small little man with a Napoleon complex has been feeding upon fears and anxiety to blurt out his alternative facts.

The Crack Team has reached out to grown ups for the facts.

Instead of waiting until October 15 to fill a vacancy you can now fill a vacancy on the first day of school. We knew that. Fact is a fact jack.

Yes, SESIS is a good indicator of where you will wind up but it is prone to inaccuracies. Remember your email is what is official.

NOTHING has been changed where ATRs can be placed. The DOE can always place you in a permanent position you in district. But they have yet to do so. Which renders the following statement moot (As well as disinformation, null and void, capricious and arbitrary and just plain dumb assery)...
 He just informed me that ATRs are being permanently placed so I am permanently placed as a science teacher in his school...
We can't confirm, but Central has told principals that if they want someone specific, they must hire that person. 

Rotations are still possible. You can be at your school a week, a month, several months, or the year. 

No field supervisors. Principals will rate you.

You will be rated under S/U unless you are in an official position for 6+ months.

The 100% subsidies are for special situations, like obscure licenses. If there is a steno teacher, or a Merengue teacher, or something like that who won't or can't get a permanent position then the DOE will pay for those people. 

Please remember to always consider the source when you read anything about ATRs. Unscrupulous people tend to project their Freudian shortcomings and fears on others to make themselves feel less afraid.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

We Here at SBSB Welcome the DSA as Our New Masters and Overlords

About 10 days ago, James Eterno on the ICE blog shared a story from Politico how the Democratic Socialists of America is planning to infiltrate and then take over the unions of New York City with the UFT seen as the ripest to fall first.

Some highlights from the article include (with a few comments by myself in red)...
The New York City branch of the Democratic Socialists of America presented its members with a strategy last year to gain entry into some of the city’s most powerful labor organizations and ensure they are adhering to the “militant” principles that the group felt had been diluted over time.  

...members approved zeroing in on six of those labor groups 

The organization also identifies ways outsiders can access jobs that would allow them entree into the labor groups.

Another target is the United Federation of Teachers, a nearly 200,000-member union representing teachers, social workers, secretaries and other school employees.   

UFT is the largest local of one of the largest unions in the country. It has the potential to be extremely influential in electoral politics,” the group wrote. “It is extremely internally undemocratic, but there is a reform caucus, MORE, which has many active DSA members.” MORE democratic? Surely, they jest.
“With more DSA teachers, we could bolster and significantly support the internal movement for democracy and militant organizing within the union but it will likely take years to reform the UFT,” Too fucking funny. 
Look, I can see what is coming down real soon. The DSA is for real. They mean business. It won't be long before we are all singing the DSA's praises and lavishing gifts, as well as some form of human sacrifices, upon their leaders. Where do I sign up? 
I've seen the videos. These are people that shouldn't be underestimated nor fucked with. 
After discussing with The Crack Team at an emergency SBSB meeting, and wishing to appeal in a special ass kissery manner to our soon to be new masters and overlords, we present video of a DSA conference. 
The first is from someone's Twitter feed in which you can read all the respectful comments made on the video. The 2nd, a longer video with some redundancy and a little commentary. 


But seriously. First off, I swear this is nearly what a MORE meeting was like. Secondly, this is the future of the labor movement? Where are this children's parents when you need them? My 18 year old son considers himself progressive. He's going to a somewhat progressive college in one of the most progressive cities in New Yok State. He has said he has no time for people who need safe spaces, trigger warnings or whine about micro aggression. 
DSA wants to take over NYC unions? Show some balls. Start with the PBA, the Firefighters union, Sanitation union, Teamsters, Corrections union, and the union for the TWU. Succeed without getting wedgies, swirlies, and Indian Native American burns then I'll listen. Until then, go away.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The DOE Has Entered Super Duper Villainy

I thin the DOE has stepped up in the world to the level of a "super villain." I mean if they haven't
reached that level before. Perhaps they are now a "super duper villain."

The story goes, and I got this from none other than Chaz the Blogger, was if you went through a 3020-a hearing and kept your job, but were fined more than $2k, or a month suspension (Chaz, correct me if I am incorrect) you were automatically put in the ATR pool. I mean come on, who would want to go back to a school in which you obviously were not wanted and if you go back, there will be a bigger shit storm raining down on you. I mean, you go through a 3020-a, obviously the principal wants you out there, no? And to see your smiling face come back, don't think for a moment your return will get your principal to say, "OK, it's all water under the bridge."

My biggest worry going through my 3020-a was not just losing my job, but actually winning. As in being found not guilty of all the charges and having no choice but to return to my school. I had a plan for just that contingency. My first day back I would've come dressed to school as Corporal Klinger. I had the outfit picked out. Short, short, black dress, red 5 inch heels, show some cleavage, and red lipstick. Thankfully, I didn't have to go that way.

The arbitrator automatically put me into the ATR pool along with a four month suspension. I was free!

But things appear to be changing.

The Crack Team has learned from very high up sources that a teacher who has gone though a hearing and his fined more than $2k does not automatically go into the ATR pool. The only way can happen is if the principal signs off that he/she does not want you back. And it appears some are not signing off on this.

We here at SBSB think there are two reasons for this.

One, is to thin the herd. Too many ATRs are a blight on the DOE. ATRs have been a blemish on the DOE for two long. This way the DOE can show it is doing something, anything to reduce ATRs.

The other reason I believe is more valid.

This ATR thing has backfired on the DOE spectacularly. They still want to thin the herd, but this plan is more diabolical.

Think about this. If you just went through a 3020-a and are sent back to your school do you think the bullshit will end? Nope. It will get worse, much worse. Every little inane thing you do, whether it would be, farting, leaving the toilet seat up, not puckering up, you will be written up for. If you are being observed, a student that fails to raise their hand while all others do, will be a blemish for the teacher. Students aren't walking perfectly on line? That's a letter to your file.

The DOE had been counting on ATR teachers who got fed up to quit. It wasn't happening. Now, with sending teachers back to their schools of horror the DOE is playing GOTCHA! You go back to the same school, under the same circumstances, under the same administration, and under the same bullshit. In no time you will be hit up with 3020-a charges AGAIN!! And this time, they can show that you can not change nor were you rehabilitated. You get terminated. There is a method to this madness.

Case in point. I know of a teacher that got fined $5k. Where will she be on September 3? Right back in her school. And this time, the principal will know better than nailing her with three bullshit charges. The principal will be relentless. And this teacher is one of the few teachers in her school that gives a shit, the kids love, and the parents adore.

The DOE has now entered super duper villainy. Unlike in Batman when the villain put Batman and Robin in some contraption to die and walks away, the DOE will not walk away until there is no longer a teacher's heartbeat.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Mike Mulgrew Must Follow How NYPD Unions Support Their Members

PBA President Pat Lynch and SBA Ed Mullins are dicks, but both are dicks that support their members.

Doesn't matter if it is yet again another NYPD cop or sergeant that indiscriminately kills a person of color. Pat and Ed are always there.

Doesn't matter if an NYPD cop or sergeant commits heinous acts whilst off duty forgetting that as an NYPD police officer you are sworn to uphold the law 24/7. Pat and Ed are there.

Doesn't matter if an NYPD cop or sergeant lives in NYCHA housing whilst a member of the service and having the taxpayers support their living expenses. Both Pat and Ed will be there.

An NYPD cop or sergeant want nice cushy easy house gig. Both Pat and Ed will be supportive.

If a NYPD cop or sergeant makes vile anti-Semitic comments? Both Pat and Ed will be supportive

We had a mayor (Bloomberg) and chancellor (Klein and Walcott) that shat upon the teachers and the UFT blaming us for the ills of the New York City. But never NYPD.

But in those rare instances that Bloomberg spoke out against the NYPD Lynch and Mullins were never silent.

But whilst teachers and the UFT is shat upon now to a lesser extent, where is Mike Mulgrew and the megaphone that he is supposed to have?

Teachers fined $5k because of a 3020-a show trial? Mike is silent.

Principals abusing teachers? Mike is silent.

Principals abusing and ignoring a legally bound contract? Mike is silent.

Teachers needing emotional support? Mike is nowhere to be found.

Now I am not saying that Pat Lynch nor Ed Mullins support most of the behavior I cited, but at the very least. The very least. They are supportive and vocal in support of their members.

It's  time Mike looks to Pat Lynch and Ed Mullins how on to support members.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Prettiest Belle at the NYCDOE Job Fair

I feel like the prettiest girl at the ball. I have two, not one, but two suitors chasing after me. My heart
is all aflutter. Who shall I give the rose to?

Last week I received an email from Glenda Rivera telling me that CS 211x has a plethora of available positions for little old, 55 years old and two years from retirement, me!! I have goosebumps as I type this I am THAT excited.

I don't know which position to choose from.

  1. 3rd and 4th grade general education
  2. 4th and 5th grade special education
  3. 6th and 7th grade special education
  4. Foreign language French 
  5. 6th and 7th grade middle school
  6. Middle school social studies cluster
  7. Physical education K-12
So many, with such little time to decide. But they want me!!!!!

Look, they gave me so many dates to choose from and other info:

Our panel will be meeting on:

Wednesday, August 31st and Thursday August 1st from 10:00am to 11:00am

Monday August 5th - Thursday August 8th from 10:00am to 11:00am 

You may be asked to conduct a demonstration lesson after the interview.  Please come prepare with a demonstration lesson in the grade of preference, grade K-8th, and license area.  Please consider the following to prepare for your demonstration lesson.
  • Total number of students (12)
  • Approximately 25-30 minutes
  • Consider what management techniques you might use to maintain appropriate classroom behavior during your teaching

We would like to extend an invitation for you to attend. If you are interested,
 reply all to this email with the date you will be attending. 

Our panel includes our principal Ms. Drummond, support staff and teachers. Please bring with you a portfolio, your resume and any references.  

If you have participated in any of our interview panels please disregard this email.

The only date I can go is August 31, which is a Saturday. Oops! Typo, I think they meant August 28. But sadly, I will be going to the opening day of the Columbia County Fair in Chatham, NY. If I email Ms Rivera back perhaps she will give me another date? No. I just checked. The email was not sent to me. It was a mass email. Kinda like let's throw shit and see where it lands. I'm not that special after all. Boo-hoo.

Big deal. Now I have one suitor left!!! 

I also received an invitation to the Bronx Borough Office Teacher's Job Fair and Ball on August 8 from 3-6 PM at the UFT Bronx office! What should I wear? Business, with a hint of allure? Business casual with a hint of naughty? I wish to thank Mijanoux Joachim-Robinson, Talent Acquisition Associate, for the Bronx Borough Office for inviting me. However, I shan't be able to attend. 

For I have plans that day. After a day of summer school, I shall be gallivanting amongst the 1% of the Upper West Side. And I know the job fair is bullshit. One hundred percent tried and true bullshit. 

I went to one of those 3 years ago. Unless you have a special ed. license you are not getting hired. That's what 95 % of the positions were for. I learned then that all you need to get hired for a special ed. license is a heartbeat. And that might make you overqualified. 

For those who didn't get the email and want to just see a train wreck and treat yourself to free UFT cookies click here. And if you want to just fill in fake names, know that Dick Hertz, Heywood Jablowme, Seymour Butz, and Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo have already registered. 

By the way, with the new contract schools were going to get a big break on hiring ATRs. Hey UFT, how is that going? 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The DOE Sucks Monkey Balls. This is Why.

WOW! It has been just about 6 weeks since my last blog post.

Imagine if you will (From the files of, "This Shit Can't be Made up!")...

A brand new teacher. In fact a second career if you will. You are in your mid 30's, married about 18 months, and a baby on the way. Heck, you coach high school hockey in your spare time, life is perfect right now.

You start at a school that is just above being the boil on the hairy ass of the South Bronx. Some good veteran teachers are around to show you the ropes, tell you how it is (And how it will be). You see that you have entered bizarro world, you see shit they don't imagine or even tell you that can happen in your teacher school but you persevere.

You're stoic. You have no choice to be.

But gosh diddly darn the kiddies sure do like you. Even administration likes you (Even the AP with the uni-brow). But you are hearing whispers from your colleagues.

"When Open Market comes get the frig out of this school." "Go to Westchester."  Stuff like that.

A few days before Christmas vacation and you are looking forward to being a daddy any day. You're busting with pride. Chest is puffed out. The best Christmas present in your life is coming nothing or no one can ruin this feeling you have.

That is except the DOE.

BOOM! You are sent to the Rubber Room post haste. WHY? You have no fucking idea except things you can only piece together in your mind.

Five and a half months in the Rubber Room. For what? Why? Because some parent called 311 with a false complaint. Made up. Bogus. Bullshit.

Why did it take 5 1/2 fucking months to clear this teacher? This couldn't be done in a week? People accused of murder get cleared in less time. What is the point of dragging this out? In fact it took another month from the when official word came that this teacher was cleared to the time he came back to his school.

Praise be to baby Moses that the administration was on his side. It could have been a lot worse for this teacher. What are the repercussions for the parent that took their tongue and told a lie?

The teacher shared with The Crack Team his feelings that he wrote when he returned. We are using it with his permission.

Staff was very pleased and happy to see me. Administration was so apologetic and real of how everything went down, disgusted at the fact DOE had me sitting there for so long not knowing anything about what the accusation was. 

They finally told me first thing and it was mind blowing that someone out there can actually make up a lie and get away with it , knowing nothing will happen to them. The fact that they can ruin someone's emotion, integrity and break an individual down is ok with them. 

Teaching my first class at 10 am, I wasn't the same teacher I was when I first entered 5 months ago.  My enthusiasm, courage and professionalism has completely drained and I don't know how long this will take to diminish. It's a horrible emotional feeling one can feel while going through this nightmare. I'm still not right. 

So to all of you, fight with everything you got, because what they are doing to us professionals is just not right. Nothing will ever be heard unless we take a step forward and report this. Unfortunately with me there is no physical evidence I have against this accusation other than my emotional well being. Keep the faith and do not let them get over on you. This is something I will never ever forget. Thank you for guiding me through this hard time and being there for me when I needed it the most. Don't give in, stand your ground and give them hell.

There you go NYCDOE. You taught this teacher in 5 months what it takes most of us a few years to realize. BRAVO!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Supporting Teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day

I have been blogging for a little over 10 1/2 years now. I didn't expect to be blogging this
long nor did I expect all the good and bad that came with blogging. I just started out thinking I had an original idea (found out after about 24 hours many others had the same idea) and it took off. And here I still am.

One thing that has been constant is that I truly want to help those teachers that feel so alone and helpless in their struggles. I was quite fortunate that I had a fantastic support system during the time of my 3020-a and I want to pay it forward and do whatever I can to help those teachers who feel so alone and abused by the system.

Back in February at the last (Last ever?) ICE meeting, I gave an impassioned plea for ICE to rally around and do whatever it can to help out a teacher. But Norm was right, ICE as presently configured was not set up for that. And that I understand. The MORE Caucus was never truly interested in rolling up its sleeves and getting down on the dirt to help teachers in need. Solidarity? Yeah, they really are passionate about the same thing, and they got a set of balls (I say that in a good way) but I am not crazy about some of their tactics and the "one size fits all" method of help. And of course there are other things.

But I will continue to do whatever I can. And if I don't know the answer, I will find out or do what is necessary. If it warrants an attorney, I will send a teacher to Bryan Glass or Jordan Harlow.

I know how painful and stressful going through a 3020-a is. I learned from Norm Scott and (I don't think I have ever mentioned this name) Patrick Walsh. They talked me off the precipice several times.

The teachers I have talked to, or helped, I have taken , I don't know how to say this. A personal (I am trying hard not to make this seem about me) stake? Living vicariously? Something or other, in their cases, in the outcomes. My support is 100% unconditional. Sometimes it might not have seemed it. There were times, I put myself first (not in a horrible way) and it was not right. But one thing I always thought of, besides giving support, is that I want that teacher protected and to know that God will always see what is right and karma will come and bite those on that wronged them right on their ass.

I have learned much from  these teachers I have supported. Each and every single one of them means something to me.

I don't think I dropped the ball ever, but might have lost a grip for a split second, and for that I am sorry.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

UPDATE!! The Lunch Teacher Tells the NYCDOE "You Can Suck My Culo Chica!"

The shit for the Lunch Teacher just got real. Yesterday, her 3020a hearing started and it got off to a very inauspicious start for the NYCDOE.

No just to update the Lunch Teacher is facing charges because she took her students to lunch at the proper time during testing in April of 2019 (You can read all past posts about the Lunch Teacher here.).

Before the hearing even began, the NYCDOE was desperate. They were in a "Oops, it seems like we really fucked up here," mode and were desperate. An offer was made.


The offer was a fine of $5k, no mention of her 3020a in the federal lawsuit (there are other torts besides the 3020a) and enter the world of the ATR's.

Her response she gave to her lawyer?

"Tell them to fuck themselves!" 

The Crack Team has since learned that her lawyer relayed her request using language in a New York State Bar Association approved manner.

The first witness to be heard was a supervisor from the Office of Special Investigation. Why was it a supervisor from OSI and not the investigator himself? Good question. The reason is the investigator is no longer employed by the DOE and, stranger, is he is nowhere to be found. For all intents and purposes he has dropped off the face of the Earth.

Now, he might be in hiding. Seems that said investigator left something pertinent out of his report. When he interviewed the Lunch Teacher, she had told him she was bringing her students to lunch. He left this out.

The Lunch Teacher did not like this. When she found out she filed a report with SCI. The Lunch Teacher doesn't like to be screwed with.

The OSI supervisor couldn't testify regarding the case. All he was able to do was look like a putz and explain the procedure of an investigation. Ooooooh!! Her attorney, reportedly channeled Al Pacino's role in "...And Justice for All," and stood up for her by shouting, "This impedes her due process!" 

Obviously, the NYCDOE got caught with it's knickers down. There was a time out in the hearing while the both sides went to their separate corners.

The Lunch Teacher's lawyer inquired what would how much of a fine would be OK with her. "Not for one fucking dollar," was her reply. 

Round two is this coming Monday. Principal Palpatine and her two Sith apprentices are expected to testify.

How fucked up is this? Why would  the NYCDOE lawyers approve such a frivolous case? There was nothing done here by the Lunch Teacher that warrants the waste of thousands of dollars by the DOE for something that could have been handled at the school level. If there was such an appalling breech of testing protocol why not bring the state into the matter? Principal Palpatine surely has a rabbi within the NYCDOE.

Know what is even worse. The silence coming from 52 Broadway. Here's a question. Is Uncle Mike Mulgrew made aware of each and every 3020a hearing happening? He should be. We pay his salary. I bet Pat Lynch is aware of every cop involved in a departmental trial. Shouldn't the taxpayers hear from our UFT president how the NYCDOE is literally wasting away millions are bullshit frivolous teacher discipline "hearings" Kangaroo Courts?

This does not happen anywhere else than New York City. Not upstate, not Westchester, not Long Island! Only here. It happens time after time after time because the NYCDOE has enablers.