Thursday, October 3, 2024

Alex Jallot, Pace U. HS CL, UFT Exec Bd Member, & MORE Caucus Member Desecrates the Memory of Hamas Victim Shani Louk

 Since I wrote this piece wondering whether or not Jewish UFT members should trust the Movement of
Rank and File Educators (MORE Caucus)
, a plethora of emails has come into the SBSB newsroom. All emails were quite supportive as well as sharing many instances in which MORE has shown itself not to be particularly enamored with Jews. 

The Crack Team has sifted through many an email. Some are from just plain cranks, other emails were with accusations that could not be verified. Many were easily verified, like the following:

This past March 30 on X, DSA member @blackredguard1 reposted a video of Shani Louk dancing moments before she was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, 2023. We here at SBSB have deep feelings about DSA which we feel this is not the time visit.  Seriously, is anyone surprised? 

What is surprising MORE member, (OK, not really THAT surprising), a UFT Chapter Leader at Pace University High School, UFT high school executive board member. as well as a DSA member, Alex Jallot posted a reply to the reposted video. Obviously, Alex doesn't know what is posted online, stays online (Click here). 

And for when Alex deletes his X account, let's remind him of Social Media Rule #1!

All Alex had to say was...

"I'm amazed at how little rhythm these people (JEWS?) have."

Class act that Alex is. As one Crack Team member shared with me...

It's beyond the pale. How someone that professes progressive/left politics and sits on the UFT Exec board could so casually post such a callous and hurtful joke should be cause for deep concern for everyone irregardless of politics.

I am appalled. Especially reading this on one of the holiest of days. I am sure that Alex doesn't mind having these two days off thanks to the Jews. 

Hey Alex, have you shared these views with Jewish members of his chapter? If not, why? Does Pace University know your views of Jews? Have you shared your views with any Jewish members of the executive board you sit on? Can Jewish UFT members have any faith in you?

Some things need to happen. The Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE Caucus) must immediately disassociate itself from Alex Jallot and send out a statement decrying Alex Jallot's statement. In fact, the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE Caucus) must immediately remove from the caucus. I, and several others, were shunned and mustered out of the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE Caucus) in 2018 for much, much, much much, much less.

I have no idea if the UFT can remove executive board members for cause, but if this can be done a full investigation and removal of Alex Jallot must be done posthaste. 

If the above is improbable, we here at SBSB call for Alex Jallot to immediately resign his seat on the high school executive board as well as resign as chapter leader at Pace University High School. 

This can not be tolerated. The Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE Caucus) would be the first to come out against, as well as denounce, Mike Mulgrew for passing gas incorrectly. It's time for the Movement of Rank and File Educators (MORE Caucus) to put its money from where its mouth is. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Should Jewish UFT Members Trust the MORE Caucus?

With the UFT elections right around the corner, MORE is as usual playing hard to get and believing that they own all the cards. Is it not time that those who wish to dance with MORE just finally, "thank you, but no"?

Is it not time to see what MORE is? MORE is nothing more that a place where anti-Israel, pro-Hamas views are not only encouraged, but have a safe place to be heard. 

What has disturbed me the most, and I am sure the many other thousands of Jewish UFT members is this photograph that appeared on the MORE Facebook page. 

So months after over a thousand Jews were murdered, over a hundred Jews were kidnapped, this is MORE's priority? MORE's priority at a Delegate Assembly was for Israel to lay down its arms? Nothing about Hamas releasing the hostages? MORE isn't concerned about the hundreds of Jewish women that have been held and raped by Hamas? 

Now before I continue, I loathe Netenyanhu and his government. I prayed that Israel would retaliate differently against Gaza. But the Jews are hurting. Israel is hurting. Bibi was enabled by Trump, Bibi caused this. But this doesn't mean that an organization like MORE must blame Israel and the Jews. 

Why isn't MORE as vocal about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Where is MORE when college students are walking to classes and they are spat upon and called "Kikes"? They are nowhere?

What happens if MORE is somehow in power or part of the power if Unity loses? Can Jewish members of the rank and file trust the union? Can Jewish members of the UFT feel safe? Will Jewish members of the UFT have to worry about pogroms?

So many Jewish members of the UFT have a relative that was slaughtered in the Holocaust. 

I would not be surprised today if members of MORE celebrated as Iran launched 180 missiles at Israel today.