SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: I Did Something Bad Today

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Did Something Bad Today

I don't know who to turn to with this burden I have. A priest perhaps. But would he understand? I don't know my Hail Marys very well and not in the mood to do any pennence. I think that is how it is spelled. If I have to do some confessing I can be in the booth for hours and hours. Even days. But I guess I won't go to a priest.

Maybe the local barkeep would suffice. Bartenders are good people to talk to when you wish to unburden yourself. They sit there behind the bar with the apron up to their armpits and spit polish shot glasses while they listen. Sheldon Leonard was helpful to Jimmy Stewart. But I would have to keep buying drinks as I unburden myself and I don't think the local barkeep is into buybacks. Besides I see how Moe treats Barney and Homer.

I guess I should unburden myself in, in the nether reaches of cyber world. I hope whomever is reading this will not judge me to harshly. Please don't. It was just a mistake and I promise I will never ever do it again. I promise! Pinky swear too! You ready?

I put the students interests ahead of my own today. I know it was wrong. What is worse is that I had a conversation with an AP that the students were not being properly serviced, and it was not beneficial to the education process. I mentioned what was being done was in violation of state education law and the chancellor's regulations. The AP got mad at me. He huffed and he puffed and told me to mind my business and not to ever quote state education law and chancellor's regulations ever again.

I won't.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too freaking funny! Oh the horror of your badness!