After the success of Whitney Tilson blessing us here at SBSB sharing the email to principals from Cathie Black, the crack team decided to put on its Buddhist hats and try a little "nam hyo renge kyo." The crack team was hoping for some kind of information into the Cathie Black fiasco. After five non stop hours of chanting an email came in. We immediately deciphered it to be the petition of Alex Koss and Karen Plummer, both parents with students in the DOE, against a litany of plaintiffs. What is this the third law suit in relation to the The Talking Cathie Doll? Michael Best must be one busy beaver of late.
Some interesting stuff was read. Amongst what was read:
In facts 31 and 32 it was argued that;
30.Faced with this rejection by his own hand-picked Advisory Panel, Respondent Steiner, in an attempt, on information and belief, to: i) placate Respondent Bloomberg, and ii) salvage Ms. Black’s nomination, suggested an alternative plan, i.e. that he would consider granting the waiver if Respondent Bloomberg were willing to appoint an assistant, who actually had a legally and educationally acceptable background in education, to Ms. Black.But if we go down a bit we see in fact 39;
31.This novel proposal by Respondent Steiner on its face would create a two-headed Chancellor, one, whose only claim on the job was her friendship with the Mayor and her expertise in the private corporate world, the other, someone with the credentials which a qualified Chancellor should have.
39........Mayor Bloomberg, in response to a question about the authority of the newly created position of Chief Academic Officer, told reporters “There will be one person in charge. Make no mistake about that.”And just one more thing stand out at to the crack team, which is quite disturbing.
Fact 36;
36.The billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the former employer of Ms. Black and future employer of Chancellor Joel Klein is quoted thusly, “education in the U.S. is a $500 billion sector ‘waiting desperately to be transformed by big breakthroughs that extend the reach of great teaching.’” He has just purchased 90% of Wireless Generation, one of whose clients is the New York City School system. (Staci D. Kramer, “News Corp Shells Out $360 Million for Ed Tech Company Wireless Generation,” paidContent.org, 22 November 2010.) [Exhibit 9]So thanks to the crack team here at SBSB we share with you the petition of Alex Koss and Karen Plummer.
Petition Article 78 Coss v Board of Regents
Wow, this blog is great! A THIRD lawsuit!
BTW, those petitioners might be interested in the following, as this is how the 40th largest school district in the country (Lee County, Ft Myers, FL) is now conducting a search for a new head of their school district -- with a search committee comprised of "30" members of the community:
"A key component in the first stage of the search is community input. The board will be scheduling five public forums -- one in each member's district –– and naming 30 individuals to a volunteer search committee comprised of teachers and staff, parents, students, community leaders and taxpayers."
The 3 lawsuits against Cathie Black in Albany, all have verifiable Index#.
Actually the suit by Norman Siegel is the 3rd lawsuit, but their Parent group talk to the media the most, giving people false impression that they were the 2nd lawsuit brought on.
Filed on Dec 3, 2010 by attorney Eric J Snyder. Index#: 008112-2010 in Albany. Eric J Snyder vs. NYS Board of Regents
Filed on Dec 6, 2010 by attorney Roger Wareham. Index#: 008163-2010 in Albany. Coss vs. NY Board of Regents
Filed on Dec 7, 2010 by attorney Norman Siegel. Index#: 008212-2010 in Albany. Hakeem Jeffries vs. David Steiner
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