The following anectodals are from a middle school in Queens. The principal is from the Leadership Academy.
The Crack Team received these anectodals this afternoon and immediately were repulsed at what this teacher has endured over the years. The lack of support and day in and day out harassment is more than anyone can endure.
We decided to only change the names of both students and staff but decided not to redact any of the foul language used. We here at SBSB felt that if we redacted the language the impact would lessen. We want our readers to be as shocked an appalled as we are.
October 30, 2013 - Mary Tyler Moore had been taunting and
mocking me since the beginning of the period. She was upset and informing me
that I was “on her last nerve” because I had changed her seat upon her return
from an in-house suspension. She
refused to take her new seat. I
decided to continue teaching and call her mom later in the day. She taunted me constantly with threats
like, “I’m gonna kick your white ass”, and “Damn racist teacher startin’ shit”.
She got up and went to the front of the room and ranted, “School can’t do
nothin”. I can do whatever I want to this damn bitch and school can’t do
SHIT! I’ma KID and I’m goin’ to
another school so I am DONE with this bitch and her white ass!” This diatribe
lasted for about three minutes.
Upon finishing, Mary Tyler Moore pushed her body between me and the table in front
of me, a space of about 12”. She
then intentionally used her elbow, torso, and shoulder to shove me out of the
way, causing me to fall on my R hip. My neck and lower back also hurt from the
impact. One student left to get an
adult, who called the nurse. EMS was called shortly after.
I was taken
to Franklin General Hospital and was given muscle relaxants and pain killers.
An MRI a few weeks later showed a 4th herniated disc in my lower
back, the first three having been the result of the incident on May 1, 2012.
September 26, 2013, period 7 – Morey Amsterdam enters class and
screams, “Ok, Bitch, I got no weapon today, so we can GET IT ON!! He later
climbed on the table, got on all fours, and pretended to hump his
backpack. Later, he began banging
a beat, encouraged the rest of the class to join in (many did), and made up an
obscene rap about me with lyrics like, “You know you want it so drop your
pants”, and “I’m gonna give it to you hard!”
October 1, 2013 – Dick Van Dyke pointed to me and said
to Carl Reiner, “This is your Momma! She pee like this!” as he pretended to
pee standing up at a table. Also said, “I’m gonna fuck up your class because I
hate you, Bitch!” Screamed at me, “You can do whatever the fuck you want and
nobody can do nothin’! I gots an IEP!” Also said, “Can’t take no fuckin’ shit
from this bitch!” He went to my desk and took the pictures of my three children
and said he would “fuck up her ugly little n****** with the glasses because his
Momma want to be a bitch! She got three fuckin’ ugly ass n******, fuckin’ kill
those n******! She wearin’ that little dress so she can get some dick! You a
cockroach, Bitch! A FUCKING WHITE COCKROACH!!”
We here at SBSB are shocked that these CHILDREN are middle school students. My son is in middle school and want even use the F bomb in my presence, though when we check his text messages he is quite free with that word.
Say what you will, but this kind of behavior only happens if the school administration allows it to happen. Principal Cineus knows about it and only she can put a stop to it. God forbid if some of the truly violent threats were carried out against this teacher. She could have been raped and/or killed. Then at what point would Principal Cineus' burying her head in the sand make her culpable?
Herniated discs do not just go away. This can and will be a lifetime of pain for this teacher. Even with surgery, she will never be the same. And why? Because there is zero support for teachers.