Yes, without a union leader The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School has been rudderless, devoid of anyone to take charge and there to represent the constituency which is now in need of someone has strong as the previous union leader. Who can it be? Who will it be? Who wants that position?
Naturally it fell on the two who have been wishing to bogart that union leadership position for years. The Lady Macbeth's, the Selma and Patty, the Lucy and Ethel of The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School.
As of press time The Crack Team has learned that Ethel, with the help of Lucy, is now the new union leader at The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School. A coup? Peaceful transition of power? Maybe. Or Maybe not. From what our sources have shared with The Crack Team. Lucy and Ethel didn't even wait for rigor mortis to set in before she schemed with Lucy to take over.
What can one at The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School expect from Ethel as a union leader?
One can expect that you won't have someone on your side. One can expect to have someone who will acquiesce. One can expect to have someone that will not fight for the rights and dignity of the people at The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School.
Think about it. Who does Ethel most want to be liked by? Who does Ethel most seek approval from? Who will Ethel roll over on her back for in a minute and let her belly be rubbed?
People of The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School should be very wary when the elections come in May. Truly think about this. Will Ethel fight the good fight?
There are many other qualified independent thinkers that ooze honor and integrity (Well actually, one left, no, make that two) at The Happy Good Time Emotion Response Place and School.
Think about it.
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