Senator Latimer gets it. He gets how frustrated the parents are. He gets how frustrated the teachers are. He gets how frustrated this state is. We believe he understands that the the Opt-Out movement was not a protest but rather a rebellion.
Watch these two videos. One, was on the Senate floor before the budget vote and the other is an interview he did in Albany on Time-Warner Cable News.
A couple of takeaways on his budget speech:
Senator Latimer compares the rolling out of constant new evaluations and testing and what not to New Coke.
Says we are down this path becuase of the power of the all mighty $$$$.
Tax caps and unfunded mandates have hurt.
Believes the perception that public education is failing is faulty.
We need to fix where the problems are and poverty is the main culprit.
Anyway see for yourself.
From the video with TWC one thing that really hit home is how the senator again hit the nail on the head with poverty but knows that poverty is just not limited to urban areas. There are rural parts of this state that are just as poverty stricken as the inner city. The Crack Team has asked in the past where are the hedge fund managers pushing charters in rural New York?
Click here for the TWC interview.
We as teachers, as parents, as communities need to start building and cultivating strong personal bonds with state legislators such as Senator Latimer. Senator Latimer truly stands on the right side of history (Unlike others who talk a big game then wimp out) in this educational farce being put upon us by clowns in Albany.
Senator Latimer is running for re-election in 2016. Rest assured The Crack Team will be supporting and voting for him.
Come 2018, we hope Senator Latimer will consider running for Governor.
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