These stories of ATR horrors come from the files of
Again, for those who do not know, click
here to learn what an ATR(Absent Teacher Reserve) is.
Reading these stories, what bothers me the most is not the nasty treatment from administrators or secretaries, that's to be expected, but rather the nasty treatment by fellow teachers and union members.
Here's the thing to all teachers who decide to dump on ATR's. It might happen to you one day so don't do stuff that will invite the Karma Fairy to see you.
This will be done in two parts. I have also fixed grammatical and spelling mistakes as opposed to
what I had posted the other night. I wanted to keep it real but someone got their knickers in a bunch. Remember, these were received in quickly written emails. As far as upper and lower case letters being where they should and/or punctuation, who cares right now? ;P Any highlighting or italics or whatever has been added by The Crack Team.
If anyone needs any help, advice, to vent, to have a shoulder to cry on, or whatever, email me.
So yesterday I went into
the teacher's center to use a computer. They were, apparently, having a
retirement party for someone. I walked in and looked around. A person I've
never seen before comes over to me an says, "You need to leave. This is
not for you."
It was when K'Tori asked
me (a guidance counselor ACR) to
count all the books in the library. He demonstrated how to do it by verbally
counting 1, 2, 3, and pointing his finger at each count.
You are just an Atr., you
don't work here, you are a visitor.
"The Uft calendars
are for the teachers in this school, you are an ATR ". That was said to a
fellow ATR in front of me by a "teacher" at some HS in the Bronx.
I'm livid. Super popped in
for an informal obs on an iss class. (Not my license) Ap told me to direct them
to castle learning and super didn't think that was good enough and wants to now
give me a U. He has already
observed me and given me an S. Ap
told him I am doing a great job, and he insists its not good enough. I told him
I'm tired of the games. You say you are going to help me find a job but the
truth is you are looking for any excuse to fire me. I'm done being Mrs nice guy
An ATR I know told me she
tried to take a cup of water from the water dispenser in the teachers' room and
was told nastily that she couldn't have any and only the teachers in the school
were chipped in were allowed to have any of this magical water lol
No bathroom keys in any of
the schools. which means you have to walk from the fourth floor at times to the
first to go to the bathroom.
I was invited to the
teachers appreciation luncheon and be told that only teachers could eat.
Bathroom key? You're here a week. What do you need
a key for?
No place to keep my
things. I have to walk around from class to class with my coat, bookbag, hat
scarf and anything else I'm carrying. The teacher room is locked in most
schools and no teacher seem to have a key for it. I have been given no
materials and told that there are no books that I can use. (I was in the
science room). The kids come without pencils or paper. I can't use a laptop to
get to the smartboard. In some schools there's no place to write anything
because they all use the smartboard. I think subs are treated better then ATR's
Given Lunch duty, Save room and told to file papers in the office. The
principal told me that the teachers are meeting with parents and then doing
inquiry team work. So I need to file papers in the office.
A 69 yr old ATR told me a
principal made her walk the hallways 5 periods a day for hall duty. She was
very upset.
At the school I just was assigned to; I had to
contact Amy and then Mike Sill to get bathroom keys.
So this loudmouth teacher
at my current school started in with me again yesterday. (The same one who said
principals don't want ATRs because they come from failing schools and must be
bad, even though she admits she doesn't know what an ATR is.) I took a phone
call from my son's school in the faculty room during my lunch. She starts
reading from her phone an article on "cell phones in the
workplace"-LOUDLY. Looking at me while she does so. Then a few minutes
later my husband called to see what was going on with me getting home. We were
on the phone less than three minutes. She continued reading from the article -
LOUDLY. Then said, "I think we need to copy this and blow it up poster
size and hang it here in the room because SOME PEOPLE have no manners and need
a REMINDER". Looking at me. I asked he if she had a problem because the
passive aggressive behavior was really over the top. She looked SHOCKED and
said, "Well, you are in everyone's face with your phone calls and you're
loud and you have a big mouth. No one wants to hear you. No one cares about
your phone conversations and you're here blasting it out for everyone to hear.
No one WANTS you here. No one wants you eating lunch here. No one wants to hear
your shit while we try to eat! And we don't like you trying to talk to us like
you belong here." So I responded, "Here's a plan. I won't direct my
big mouth at you and you keep your big mouth shut around me and we can just
agree to ignore each other! DEAL?" And then she got all shocked and hurt
and said I can't handle "constructive criticism".Top of Form 1
I've been told several
times" I wished I could be excessed so I can rotate from school to school
and get paid for doing nothing!"
I'm going to Renaissance
School of the Arts where I was threatened on an interview back in October. The
principal told me that my response would be called in as a refusal since I have
an accommodation and can't walk up to the fourth floor every day. Now I will
have call HR or go in armed with my accommodation letter and hope and pray that
I get a new placement without getting into some kind of trouble.
I had a TIA and the
stupidvisor called the hospital to see if that was true.
At Fannie Lou, the old
stupid safety agent refused to open a bathroom for me. One of the Aps told me
that their crazy students do better with their real teacher. Many times I am
being asked are you a teacher? In another school the secretaries will not
answer my greeting.

Was working in the
basement "save room" for the better part of the last 4 weeks, so, had
to constantly deal with the worst of the worst, trying to sneak out while my
back was turned, wandering around the room looking for trouble, boys touching
girls, girls sitting on boys laps, "play fights", NO INTERNET NO CELL
SIGNAL, NO WINDOWS...very prison-like. OH, and One 15 yr old black kid on his
way OUT of the save room on Fri saying "bye WHITE BOY" to me. Very
nice. I won't miss THAT school, let me tell ya.
A principal told me she
didn't like my kind and only real teachers get a bathroom key.
The principal of the school below informed the school safety agents to tell me
that I would be arrested, If I continued to use his school's bathroom. District rep hung up on me and after I
called his boss. That mother fucker came to me and said, I hung up the phone on
you because I have an African-American wife and a gay son. Oh, I believed that the principal
didn't like my kind as being the gay kind.
The only time Debbie Otto
will speak to you will be to ream you a new one or give you more work to do. My
mother in law died while I was there and when I called to let them know I'd be
taking off, the secretary told me I had to get "PERMISSION from Ms. Otto".
When I told her about my mother in law, she said, "Well, are you going to
need all your days because you're a sub and you're here to save me money not
cost me money. You can't bring her back, you know." When I returned after
taking my FULL allotment, she saw me and said, "Welcome back from your
vacation. Here's your class." Not a damn word of sympathy from a soul at
that hell hole.
I came into the office one
morning and the secretary announced "The slave labor is here."
As an ATR, I recorded a principal that
lied because she stated that I refused an assignment and stated I was
problematic. That never happened. I sent the UFT District Representative the
recording and no action was taken to support me against false accusations.
I'm being observed trying to teach when
I have no regular class or school. I've tried to reach UFT appointed
representatives Michael Sill or Amy Arundel sometimes to no avail. Sometimes I
will get a response to my concern only after several days have passed. I'm
constantly being demeaned and humiliated by being called and treated like a
substitute. I receive no bathroom key, no place to hang my coat, no place to
sit to have lunch, asked to punch in and out in violation of the contract, do
clerical work, hall duty, teach gym and self-contained special education
classes alone even though I have a Career and Technical Education license. I am
denied access to UFT chapter meetings inside the schools, and no longer offered
per session positions. I have always been a strong supporter of the union and
feel completely abandoned.
At times it takes me 2 hours to get to
work which is a violation of the contract. I am sent to the furthest locations
in the borough while other ATRs, on opposite parts are sent closer to me.
There appears to be an unfair hiring
practice as most of the new teachers are young and inexperienced. Why isn't the
UFT addressing this? Veteran and experienced ATRs are applying to countless
positions that are being filled by less expensive and more novice educators.