Some takeaways:
MORE/New Action has shown what can happen when there is cooperation between two caucuses.
Now that MORE/New Action will be there twice a month for exec board meetings no longer will things be done in secret and Unity now must explain, justify, and go on the record for it's actions.
With over 10k people voting for MORE/New Action there can now be true open executive board meetings twice a month. (Much more food will need to be ordered!)
MORE/New Action has laid a great foundation for the 2018 chapter elections as well as the 2019 UFT elections.
MORE/New Action can now show it is a force to be reckoned with.
The members of the high school exec board are above reproach and will work in an ethical and moral manner.
But as always there is work to be done.
During April vacation I handed out MORE/New Action fliers at two 6-8 Math scoring sites. I stood outside during their lunch and was able to engage the members. This beats just stuffing fliers in mailboxes. The personal touch is always the best.
There is still too much ignorance an apathy out there, particularly with the younger, fresher members. One member told me she voted, but when I asked for whom she said, "Oh, I checked Unity." Why I asked. "Because we just got the raise." Yeah, so did I, $89 a check.
Or you get "I like my CL," or "I don't want to get involved." Stuff like that. That is what we are fighting against.
Or here was one of my favorites from last week. A teacher told me she voted for Unity and when I explained the what Unity hasn't done she told me, "Yeah you are right, but sometimes you get to go with whom you know." Geez!
Worse, who, unless you have been active, knows Unity or MORE/New Action? There should be, not just ads in NY Teacher, but with the ballots should come a page explaining who is who.
This is not a time to relax for MORE/New Action. It is a time to continue to persevere and to build the brand. We have the foot in the door and a stool at the bar. MORE/New Action has a lot to be proud of and let's bask in it but know we have a lot of work ahead. It can be done.
My two cents. MORE/New Action should keep a "shadow union" and be there ready to answer back and to fight back when it disagrees with the path of the UFT.
Oh. One more thing. No more voting from retirees!!!
One suggestion for the future exec board meetings.. Would it be too much to ask for a omelette station as well as a carving station?