her "credentials" on why she should be Secretary of Education. Naturally, there would be a lot of talk radio talk (On both the left and right) concerning this scary, scary woman.
On my way home I turned on SiriusXM channel 127 to listen to Michelangelo Signorile (@MSignorile on Twitter) . The timing could not have been better. He was talking about the DeVos nomination as well and that Randi Weingarten was to call in about 4:30. The moment was perfect for me to call in.
So about 4:15 PM I called and I got the screener. I told him that as a teacher in NYC I (And I am sure quite a few others!) feel that DeVos is going to be just a continuation of the eight dreadful years of Obama-Duncan-King and that this war on education had been aided, abetted, and enabled by the famed troika we have had to deal with all these many years. Screener said good points and told me to hold on.
At about 4:20 Signorile took my call and I basically said what I told the screener, but I added;
At this point Signorile yelled;"Obama and Duncan have done much damage to education in this country."
"YOU'RE A FAKE CALLER!"And he hung up on me. I listened to the rest of his tirade on the radio has he shouted;
"Obama and Duncan have done more for LGBQT students and opening access for all students in the country than any other have."This is where his ignorance slip is showing.
By the way, I have always voted Democrat. Except in 2012 and 2014. Just couldn't bring myself to vote for Obama or Cuomo. My whole family, immediate and extended, are Democrats. My grandfather was part of the Tweed machine. So there!
Yes, DeVos is an abomination that will make life miserable for both LGBQT students and teachers, and even parents. Yes, Obama has been wonderful for the LGBQT community. But that is not the point I was making and if any other teacher had called in I don't think that would be the point they would be making either.
Now one thing gets me wondering, Signorile's quote about opening access for all students. Because that sounds like code for "school choice." Which just happens to be something that Herr Trump and DeVos seem to want. And guess who else wanted it Michelangelo? Yeah, Arne and Barack did too!
Signorile needs to understand that thanks to Obama/Duncan that we are inundated with charter schools supported by the 1% so that the 1% can get their tax write-offs and photo ops or that are a cash cow for them and their buddies.
We have testing, testing, that has betrayed families and children across the country of being properly educated.
We have cuts in financial aid to school districts nation wide thanks to Obama/Duncan.
We have over crowded classrooms thanks to Obama/Duncan.
We have sham graduation rates thanks to Obama/Duncan.
We have the Common Core thanks to Obama/Duncan.
We have states being held hostage to federal monies and forced to implement inane, obtuse curricula thanks to Obama/Duncan.
We have a teacher shortage in New York State thanks to Obama/Duncan.
SUNY schools are experiencing a enrollment drop in education programs of up to 40% the last five years because of Obama/Duncan.
Teachers unions across the country are under attack thanks to Obama/Duncan.
Teachers are under attack across the country thanks to Obama/Duncan.
Parents are fighting back finally thanks to Obama/Duncan.
Corporations have profited quite handsomely on the backs of children thanks to Obama/Duncan.
Dang, I can go on and on and on and on. I know I am leaving a lot of things out. But suffice it to say, Obama/Duncan have destroyed public education in this country and they were enabled by DEMOCRATS. Yeah, starting with Ted Kennedy and chumming up to George W. back in 2001.
So maybe it is time that Mr Signorile speak and listen to teachers and find out what is really going on. Go and fight DeVos Mike but 95% of the policies that she will be advocating are basically just regurgitated from Obama/Duncan.
I guess I need to go back to listening to Francessa on the way home.
That's what happens when you call out Obama. He's the golden child for progressives. As a teacher that frustrates me because it seems absolutely no one will listen to us.
There have been so many disputes and so many serious issues raised in the conversations when discussing DeVos. I am sure this whole program is a frustration for somebody. Yet, in this blog I see a person who isn’t ignorant and who isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in. But for once I wish someone would stop focusing on DeVos and start caring about the students. We surely all have our thoughts about what is going on in the country but have to live today and make progress today for the sake of our future. I think we have to let go of the political issues and start working hard to make even the smallest things write. Like when students aren’t capable of writing an essay buy it for them and it would be an example of ho much can be done when you look for help and you get it.
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