SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: MORE Caucus Leader Shows His True Colors on 34th St

Thursday, February 7, 2019

MORE Caucus Leader Shows His True Colors on 34th St

This story might seem trite, but it is true, and worse, it shows the true colors of one of the de facto leaders of the MORE Caucus (no, it is not Myrie). Let's call this person Paul LaRue for arguments sake.

Last February we had a meeting, a changing of the guard if you will, of the incoming steering committee members (of which I was a member of) and the outgoing members as well as other MORE members to witness the last peaceful change of steering. The meeting was at the CUNY Graduate Center of 5th Ave, and it went pretty well. None of the incoming members were able to portend the coup that in my opinion Paul LaRue was plotting that day.

After the meeting had ended we decided to head across 34th St to were some socialist organization or some organization was holding a rally for the striking West Virginia teachers. We all decided to go. I was curious to see what this was all about and I wanted to show support for the teachers of West Virginia even though I could only stay a short time.

So there we are meandering west on 34th St, about 8-10 (maybe a few less) of us. Some walking alone, some walking with others and talking. But we were spread out and I was towards the back in engaged in conversation and Paul LaRue was up front walking solo. Paul LaRue was maybe about 5 feet ahead of me and the others I was commiserating with.

Suddenly, and without provocation, a homeless man jumped out in front of our little pedestrian caravan. Just as Paul LaRue got within earshot the homeless man asked for money. I don't recall if it was for spare change of a few dollars, but it was for some currency. However, I did hear the homeless man even though I was a few feet behind Paul LaRue. And, I wasn't the only one that heard the pleas emanating from this man who was down on his luck, someone else had.

What I saw next I must say I was aghast and sickened. Paul LaRue looked down and continued walking past this homeless man as if he were invisible, didn't exist, or worse, just some annoying noise of the city that one must ignore.

As for myself and the person I, was walking and talking with, we heard the man and acknowledged him as well. Not only did we spare him some money but gave him a couple of smokes as well. I don't know if this man was more grateful for the smokes or the money.

But the sight of Paul LaRue just completely ignoring this man was sad. This is a man who time after time espouses the socialism, which as I see it is to for sure help those who are most down on their luck, but instead acts as if he is Scrooge McDuck, the world's most capitalist duck.

I guess the homeless man couldn't help Paul LaRue advance in the ISO hierarchy or make Paul LaRue shine brighter at that very moment. Maybe if there were cameras and microphones Paul LaRue would have at least put a crowbar into his wallet and give the man a shiny new dime.

This just continues the two faceness, the hypocrisy of the MORE Caucus leadership, notably, when these sanctimonious actions emanate from the double headed ruling de facto junta of the MORE Caucus.

But on the other hand, should we be shocked at the actions of Paul LaRue? The homeless man was treated just as the rank and file are treated by the MORE Caucus. Nothing more than an annoying noise that can be ignored and at worst, tolerated. West Virginia teachers? Supporting that helps your ISO score. Helping the OT/PT/s yeah that help, but only when there's a self-serving opportunity.

Is it not time for the good people of the MORE Caucus to rise up and overthrow the de facto leadership of the MORE Caucus? Why not? Rules seem to have no place at the MORE Caucus and people can create rules as they go along, no? Perhaps when the MORE Caucus has much less votes than it did in 2016 will the masses have their eyes opened.


Anonymous said...

Isn't their goal to get as few votes as possible?

Anonymous said...

You are judging the man on whether he gives money to a bum?