As you know, we here at SBSB are not only keeping abreast of all that is happening with hit piece of teachers in Los Angeles by the LA Times, but we are also at the forefront of getting the background behind the story and following any and all leads.
One lead we did follow was one of the writers of the story, Jason Felch. Jason was kind enough to share the wonderment of himself with us here at SBSB. However Jason's jounalistic integrity has come into question. Or has it? It is of course all in the context of what integrity is.
But enough of Jason Felch. He is just the messenger of evil. Jason needed to get someone, somewhere to crunch those numbers. Someone nefarious and someone who is getting paid big bucks.
That someone is Richard Buddin of the Rand Corporation and UCLA. One would assume that Mr Buddin would have had some type of background in education. After carefully scrutinizing his resume no one on the crack SBSB team was able to locate any such experience. Seems Mr Buddin is nothing more than an average, everyday economist.
First contact was made yesterday with Mr Buddin. The identity of the blog was never hidden, in fact it was out there. He was amiable enough to take time from his busy brown bagged lunch to talk with us here at SBSB.
We asked Mr Buddin if he had any background in elementary or secondary education. Mr Buddin answered with a resounding "no." But, and this was quite reassuring, Mr Buddin did share that he does teach at UCLA. Goosebumps is all that can be said.
Mr Buddin was asked if he had ever been in an urban area. He reply was negative, he had not. Was he ever in Compton, East LA, the Barrio, Watts. No, no, no, no went the answers.
He was asked how if "did you take into account the backgrounds of the students in using value added assessment?" He said he had not.
When asked why, how could he do this and at the same time ruin several teachers careers, he replied, and I quote, "The study was supposed to be broad statistical analysis and at no time did he suspect individual teachers were to be used as an example."
This led to him being reminded that even a 7th grader learns in science that when doing an experiment to have all the facts available before such experiment. At this point Mr Ruddin accused yours truly of having some type of agenda and then hung up like an 8th grade girl finding out her best friend is also in love with David Cassisdy.
Since we here at SBSB believe in true journalistic integrity, as compared to the Los Angeles Times, we decided to contact Jason Felch for a response.
Jason, looking down his nose at the blogging world, initially claimed he was to busy. Mr Buddin's words were texted to Jason. When Jason was contacted later on, he said again he had to make deadline. But he had time to say that he had spoken with Mr Buddin.
Jason Felch said I fibbed. He had spoken with Mr Buddin and Mr Buddin told him that those words were never uttered. I explained that I quoted him verbatim. Jason then in his best patronizing, condescending manner explained to me how to be a writer, a journalist. I explained to Jason if he meant if this were akin to taking things out of context. Cat got his tongue.
SBSB stands behind what Mr Buddin said. He said it, he meant it, and he got caught up in it.
Jason, you and Mr Buddin deserve one another.