We here at SBSB believe in journalistic integrity. The crack investigative team here at SBSB has been beating the drum that serial masturbator (Is this spelled correctly? I know there are some readers that have emailed me in the past concerning typos. Feel free!) Mychael Willon should not be employed by the DOE because of an arrest and conviction for lewd and lascivious behavior in Wichita KS. It seems that Mychael Willon is no longer employed by the DOE as of last month.
Mychael Willon is now employed as the Chief Academic Officer at Alternatives Unlimited, a Baltimore based student tutoring, and educational company. Willon is based in Houston TX, and started just last month. So that is the end of that. Right? Wrong.
What is does is raise several questions that should be addressed. First and foremost is, did Tweed find out about Willon's past since is story was first published here and ease him out of his job? Perhaps Joel Klein came up to Myke and said, "seems you have an issue bopping your baloney at inappropriate times. This could leave a stain (pun intended) on me and the DOE. How about I close my eyes, count to ten and you find another position?" This seems quite plausible.
But something else smells. It seems that Alternatives Unlimited is a vendor/provider for the NYC DOE. In fact provider ID # 175. This, according to SES 2009-2010 Parent Guide. Click here and go to page 12 of the file. Alternatives Unlimited provides tutoring as per NCLB for NYC students.
This raises several questions. Did Mychael Willon already have a foot in the door once Alternatives Unlimited became a provider? Is there some type of conflict in him leaving the DOE and getting a position at AU? Was there a quid pro quo, i.e. Tweed makes deal for them to take Willon off their hands for AU to still be approved as a provider? Did Willon lie once again to get this job at AU? Was Willon hired to help AU keep contract in future? This certainly does not pass the smell test. Better yet, did anyone at Tweed, if they knew of Mychael Willon's past, notify the State Education department?
Unfortunately, we here at SBSB are not very familiar with conflict of interest regulations and invite anyone who can answer these questions to please feel free to do so.
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