This Thursday, August 13......
The MORE Summer Series presents.......
What is the role of UFT Elections in Building a caucus?
What should a 2016 grassroots UFT election campaign look like ? Does MORE have the resources and activists to mount an effective campaign ? How can we use new tools and lessons learned to ensure that organizing for the election will build MORE? Come learn election nuts and bolts, brain storm creative election strategies…
All this to happen at.......
The Dark Horse, 17 Murray St. NYC Near City Hall, Chambers St, WTC Close to the A,C, R, 1,2,3 trains. Discounted beverages available.
Tell MORE Frank Sinatra Jr sent you and get a drink on the house (I hope that someone gets this reference).
See you then!
We need to get the message out! More is the way to go!
Excellent post.I want to thank you for this informative read, I really appreciate sharing this great post
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