SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: Cover Up at IS 162 in the Bronx? Let's Ask District 7 Superintendent Yolanda Torres

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cover Up at IS 162 in the Bronx? Let's Ask District 7 Superintendent Yolanda Torres

On June 10, 2013, I wrote a post, "Where is the Bronx District Attorney When You Need Him?" I left a lot of details out, names, the school, the district, etc... Today, I am rewriting/rerunning that post but not holding anything back. Names, school, everything.

These three miscreants get away with such behavior while Christine Rubino, Francesco Portelos, myself and 8 other colleagues and the rest of the teachers in NYC are crapped on. Accountability from Tweed is bullshit. It means nothing. It is just watching out for yourself, your cronies, and those that live in the rectums of administrators.

Remember, this shit can't be made up! 

This happened over the course of several years in District 7 in the Bronx. The school is IS 162.
Yolanda Torres is the superintendent, the principal is Marilyn Manzolillo and the AP is Greg Papadopoulos.

But everything is true. Everything happened. Everything was covered up.

Greg Papadopoulos put in "long hours" at home doing the scheduling. I mean really really long hours.

There were no time cards to be punched nor signed.
Marilyn Manzolillo principal of IS 162 did not have enough money to pay per session so the pay was in comp time.

There was shit loads of comp time involved. Remember, all unverified. No time cards.

The assistant administrator took vacations with this comp time. All during instructional time, for weeks at a time.

Countries and cities of Europe were visited all while the students of IS 162 were busy as
Papadopoulos was off gallivanting around.

Meanwhile the school is going into the crapper.

Somehow the Commissioner of Special Investigations office got wind of this. Praise be to God! We all know how CSI can be when going after those who misrepresent time taken off and defrauding the DOE claiming they worked while in reality they did not.

Just ask Matthew Kaye aka Matt Striker or Lynn Stewart's daughter. We know how seriously SCI takes this stuff.

This is where that
Yolanda Torres comes in.

SCI, the bastion of all keeping all that is correct in the NYC DOE drops the ball!!!!!!

There was proof up the ying yang!!

They kick it back to
Yolanda Torres for the discipline phase.

Marilyn Manzolillo is buds with the superintendent. She must be, why else would we not hear of this, but we heard of Liza Cruz Diaz at PS 31 in District 7. Ms Diaz stole money. Stealing time is the same as stealing money.

Papadopoulos gets just a letter in the file!

Imagine if a teacher had done this??? OH baby!

Of course
Papadopoulos could not have done this without being enabled by Manzolillo.

I might not be a lawyer, but dang, if this doesn't seem like fraud, larceny, conspiracy, and a few other felonies, then I mock my SUNY education.

Why hasn't Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson been notified of this?

But he is a dolt. How about US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara?

It has been said, and by very reliable sources, that 
Papadopoulos had much more than a professional relationship with Manzolillo. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Know what I mean? Know what I mean?

So this happens and teachers all across the city, and the country are getting crapped on.

Why? Where is the logic behind this.

It is not us running the schools. We just work there.

Maybe it is time to go after the schmucks in charge?  

These 3 crap all over Stu Schmelz, yet they continue to game the system.
Yeah, this shit can't be made up!!!

 Update 7/22/13 @ 6:12 PM: The Crack Team as learned that Marilyn Manzolillo is no longer the principal of IS 162. The new IA principal is Angel Fani.


Anonymous said...

What a disgrace!!! Something really needs to happen. What are the people in "authority" doing about all of this corruption? Makes one wonder if they should even entrust their children in the hands of principals, assistant principals, etc.!

Pete Zucker said...

Good point. As long as you are a principal and don't kill anyone apparently you keep you job, or get a promotion and a raise.

Anonymous said...

I worked with Greg Papadopoulos at 279 in the late 1990's. Even back then he was only out for himself as chapter leader and what he could get off from Luisa Fuentes. He never cared for teachers he represented but rather what they could give him. He used to threaten Fuentes if she didn't give him what he wanted (e.g....coverages, after school programs) he would make her job difficult. She went along with most of his requests to knock rock the boat. Not many of the teachers knew of "Pops" back room dirty deals with Fuentes. Some things just never change.....

Anonymous said...

Question--- Isn't this Yolanda Torres the one and the same person who taught and mentored the Anointed
Educator to All----PEDRO SANTANA? Wasn't she the person who gave him a second chance when he was caught stealing from the payroll at 279...paying his relatives per session. Didn't she give him the job at MS 331? Seems like she helps the down and dirty a lot. I guess so she looks like Ms. Clean herself! Some one needs to do a little checking the books on Ms. Torres and Company down the line....

Pete Zucker said...

^^^^ Please do share. Email me. ASAP.

kimberly said...

Hello Anonymous....I worked at 279 also....everything you're saying is true.....having worked at other DOE schools as well, I have seen it happens all over. I have resigned twice from the DOE. The bs and hypocrisy is sickening. I was there at 279 from 1994-2000. We must know each other, although I don't know who has written this post. I worked with Schmelz and adore him. He fought with me against charges until we had our day and I was vindicated. Couldn't have done it without him. RIP our beloved friend.

Anonymous said...

Sorry it was Yvonne Torres who help Pedro Santana out..... she was the head of Region 1 & 2. However, he was removed from PS 279 for having put Mr. Abadia's mother on the payroll when this person was didn't even have a file number or anything. The kicker was they blame and tortured a teacher for supposedly ratting him out when in fact it wasn't her at all. Pedro and company got all "ghetto" in M.S. face and said horrible nasty stuff to wonderful hard working lady. As usual he slithered out of 279 and worked downtown on the lower eastside till he get his 'telfon" armor repaired. Ms. Torres gave him another chance at MS 331. Pedro brought his crew with him to 331 so he could do his same old dirty work again. Oh he never really got in trouble for the money and mismanagement of funds at 279. It was brush under the rug.... He is the Telfon Educator!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that many years before at 279, Pedro's cousin , I forgot her name got arrested for cashing other teachers' pay checks. I think her name was Gina. Luisa Fuentes bless her heart who loved Pedro so much gave his cousin a job in the office and that is how his family repaided her. If you go to Pedro's Facebook site you can see her picture with him now. Such family loyalty. Guess she got out for good behavior. Just so you know Mr. Papadopodoulus knew all about this too but kept quiet

Anonymous said...

Did you know that many years before at 279, Pedro's cousin , I forgot her name got arrested for cashing other teachers' pay checks. I think her name was Gina. Luisa Fuentes bless her heart who loved Pedro so much gave his cousin a job in the 279 office and that is how his family repaided her. If you go to Pedro's Facebook site you can see her picture with him now. Such family loyalty. Guess she got out for good behavior. Just so you know Mr. Papadopodoulus knew all about this too but kept quiet

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how Santana was removed from 279 because he had MR. Abadia's mother-in-law on the payroll without DOE okay. Oh look guess who is the principal at 331 now MRS. Abadia! Like I stated above he took his whole crew with him. I guess the DOE believes her story she divorced her hubby wink wink wink all the way to the bank. I wonder if they are even American citizens yet? If she stills buys Payless shoes?

Anonymous said...

Bronx Teacher you should call for DOE to look into the funds missing from 279 when Pedro was principal. How that money was given to the non employees of the DOE. How oh well oh my that same family are now principal of the school he got booted from....something stinks in the South Bronx. They are just like Mr. Papadopodolous! Tigers of the same stripes!

Anonymous said...

You can't even get the principal's name right, so what else have you gotten wrong? You might want to take this garbage and gossip down before you get sued for libel. Hint hint, nudge nudge.

Pete Zucker said...

No,Manzollilo just retired. When this stuff happened, Manzollilo was the principal. So I got the name right. :P

Anonymous said...

Oh well I guess the Abadia family can now buy shoes at places other than Payless Shoes. That is until they get tangled in Pedro Santana and Greg Papadoulous web as well

Anonymous said...

I worked at the school years ago and both administrators treated teachers poorly and did lots off the books. Greg would also sexually harass young female teachers on a regular basis, who could do nothing about it. None of this is surprising, at all.

Anonymous said...

Well, you should see the shit that happens at MS223 ran by Ramon Gonzalez. There is so much corruption in that school it is sick. If the investigators ever got in that school they would have a hey day. This will never happen though because Gonzalez is very well connected to people in that office they say.

Why are you mad? said...

I would have to disagree with the comment regarding Ramon Gonzalez and MS 223. Not only if that school doing very well on a number of metrics but it just became a Lab site where other schools can come observe and adopt best practices. Why would a Principal who is corrupt open up their school to such scrutiny? I'm inclined to disbelieve your claims unless you can give us details regarding the corruption you say is occurring, otherwise you just sound like a disgruntled (former?) employee with an ax to grind.

Anonymous said...


It's funny how the up above judge and penalize anyone who is not at there level, yet they're quick to take action on those who do lesser things than those of the people mention here.

For example, Ms. Torres, Superintenden, who would think such a high standard person yet she falls so low. hum....

That goes to show that not all is black and white.....

Anonymous said...

Can’t find an image of Mr. Pop anywhere guess his tenure predates social media, cameras and the internet huh? Just wanted to chime in and say he used to beat us with a baseball bat in computer class at 279 and even kicked me once so hard coming back from lunch to class that it left a gigantic bruise for at least a month he was straight savage!.. 💯 #QFLUX