Peter Lamphere: Peter Lamphere is a 17-year bilingual math and technology teacher and chapter leader at Gregorio Luperon HS in Washington Heights. As a founding member of MORE, he has tried to keep the organization focused on building a grassroots base of educators in the UFT by combining social justice demands with workplace organizing. We have to stay focused on connecting with our coworkers while we take on citywide issues alongside parent and student allies.
I got a soft spot for Peter. He did help me when I was suspended however I am not happy with what he has become. I do believe he led the coup that led to the Purge of 2018. Having said that, his bio that he is focused on building a grassroots base of educators and connecting co-workers only means that like minded as Peter is all that matters. Dissenting voices need not apply. Remember, Peter does not like winning which makes it al the more puzzling that he won an election to be on the steering committee.
D Myrie: MORE is the social justice caucus within the United Federation of Teachers and I, Myrie take great pride to participate as a potential member of our steering committee. I am running because it shows that democracy is alive and well within our caucus with a systemic rotation of leadership. I am running because I have been an active member of MORE with a shared vision based on UCORE's principles.
Come on Dermott! You can't be serious about, "I am running because it shows that democracy is alive and well within our caucus." Do you not have any introspection, any ability to look within one's self and see the hypocrisy of your words here? Must you be reminded (here, here, and here.) The lack of self awareness you show Dermott is shocking. But I look forward to your comical declarations for resolutions at future Delegate Assemblies.
Kevin Prosen: Kevin has been a chapter leader or delegate at I.S. 230 in Jackson Heights for the past eight years. He has organized his staff in grievance campaigns and to fight for working conditions as well as activating his staff and school community around social justice concerns like immigration rights. He writes occasionally about the politics of teachers unions for a variety of progressive outlets. He has served on MORE steering committee many times in the past.
What a guy! Curses out old ladies at MORE meetings at storms out like Joan Collins did in Dynasty.
Aixa Rodriguez: I am running for steering of MORE, the social justice caucus within the United Federation of Teachers to keep the energy and momentum of what MORE has been fighting for going. I have been an active member of MORE and hope to help shepherd it to grow and firm up our relationships with allies, and host events to educate and empower members. I am an ESL teacher and see how intersectional problems manifest in public education, impacting our careers and quality of life. I believe that social justice issues are education issues and MORE should be in the position of being the conscience of our union. Parental leave, integration, gentrification, teacher evaluations, school closures, professional autonomy and paperwork, racial justice issues and more interweave and interact to impact our students and us. You may be a member of one of my facebook groups, or seen me at a PEP meeting or at a rally. Maybe you hear me and Myrie on WBAI on La Voz Latina. Now I am building a voice on a small BronxNet show called InformNation tackling community issues and public education. I am running for steering because I believe when one member steps back, another must step forward.
Hmmm. First Solidarity, than MORE, then fangirl of Dermott, then token person of color running with MORE in UFT elections, then thinks she is Oprah because 5 people watch her TV show and 2 listen to her on the radio. Oh let's not forget she is the champion of minorities unless you are Dominican and she refers to you as trash on her Facebook group. Shall we have a look (Click to enlarge)? ADASA trash?
The Crack Team also believe that Aixa has plenty to answer for concerning her puppet, Chris Vasquez' actions and behavior of late. Aixa never misses and opportunity to be an opportunist.
Kit Wainer: I was a teacher for 31 years and a UFT chapter leader for 21 years. I want to help MORE develop deeper roots within the schools, among members who want to organize their co-workers to defend their rights. A stronger base among school-based activists will better enable us to effectively promote our vision of rank and file militance, union democracy, and solidarity with other workers and social movements.
Again, union democracy Kit when you can't even practice it yourself?
And the one loser, well actually a winner, is none other than MORE's very own answer to Animal House's Greg Marmalard, (CLICK HERE!!!)...
Mike Stivers: I'm a high school special education teacher in Park Slope. I currently serve on the steering committee and want to continue to build on our work this year and provide continuity to the group in the transition. I would like to help MORE develop a stronger focus on helping UFT members, MORE members and not, build strong chapters at school that can meaningfully address the issues that we confront day to day. I would also like to contribute to the administrative side of our caucus - especially by launching a new dues drive in 2020 to create more long term financial stability for us and our campaigns.
Mike rocks!! He lost!! Mazel Tov!! He followed the MORE playbook to the letter. Why win an election when you can lose an election and not look like a winner or someone that cares? We here applaud Mike Stivers and his losing ways. Mike, you are a true member of MORE now. The Crack Team wishes to award you it's Fickle Finger of Fate award and have a dinner in your honor. Please reach out The Crack Team awards committee ASAP so we can make proper arrangements.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall of those soon to be steering meetings. Pure. Comedy. Gold.