It's nice to see yet another principal of the NYCDOE take advantage of the free and easy to use career advancement plan offered for administrators through the DOE and the CSA. Get arrested, get caught in unethical activity, get a raise and career advancement. Just don't murder someone. The DOE must draw the line somewhere.
The Daily News reported today that Sadie Silver, principal of PS 28 in Bushwick was arrested;
"...Friday with Michael Acosta, 34, after cops caught the educator and her partner carrying heroin and prescription drugs into Coxsackie Correctional Facility."Oops! Wait, there is more!
While at Coxsackie to visit an inmate at the maximum security prison, the News reports;
"Silver and Acosta face felony charges of promoting prison contraband and criminal possession of a controlled substance, as well as a misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child, since they had a 10-year-old with them when they were collared."Promoting contraband? They were smuggling heroin into the prison. Was this for the prisoner's personal use or for him to sell to the other inmates? And how was this heroin and suboxone (Used to fight opioid addiction), which which was also one of the drugs named, being smuggled into the prison?
The Crack Team posits an opinion. Since both Silver and her boyfriend were arrested, it would be safe to assume that the drugs were hidden on the person of the 10 year old, Silver's daughter, as the News reported.
Silver was subsequently hauled off to the Greene County Jail, made bail, and was immediately reassigned by the DOE.
But this is not Silver's first brush with taking advantage of the career advancement plan offered by the DOE. A few years ago, the News reported;
"...Silver was slapped with a $1,500 fine by the city Conflict of Interest Board for using her position to land her brother a data-entry job at her school."Good thing she is a principal or she would be forced to follow Chancellor's regulation and New York State Criminal Law.
But be sure, even though what she did was heinous, especially with a child involved, we here at SBSB will expect that she has due process and that all procedures are followed.
But several things are under the collective skins of The Crack Team. Of course the seemingly turning their head, going through the motions of doing something to administrators (Here, here, here, here, here, and here of the many scandals). But where are the deformers jumping all over this story?
Nary a word from The Three Stooges of New York State attempting to separate teachers from due process. Nothing to be found here, here, here, or here!
Imagine if this had been a teacher in Coxsackie. How fast would those three be jumping up and down screaming that this teacher must be fired, to heck with due process? How fast would they be complaining about the system? How fast would they be tweeting about this?
Teachers are given too much power but the deformers. Is it not time these people start looking at management? They have the power, the make the decisions.
Another Leadership principal was "reassigned" or fired on the last day of school. Nice and quiet. Collegiate Institute for Math and Science HS in the Columbus Campus in the Bronx. A New Vision school too. berry berry quiet. Hmmmm
in CT we gt fake Phd's:
And federal subpoenas can also be found in CT: http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-fuse-0722-20140721,0,3308874.story
I always like to look up the license history of people at the NYS Education Department site: http://eservices.nysed.gov/teach/certhelp/CpPersonSearchExternal.jsp?trgAction=INQUIRY.
While these may not be as accurate as they should be, they usually reveal a lot. In this case, Ms. Silver never held a permanent teaching certificate. She never held any 'building leader' license in any form. Her administrative license is for a school district administrator.
That does say something about tenure. If our state would reinstate the requirement that a principal or administrator should be someone who was a successful teacher, perhaps even a tenured teacher, we might eliminate some of the flotsam and jetsam that Michael Bloomberg and those of is ilk deemed qualified to be responsible for our children's education.
I found it so amazing that the headline read "Bad Teachers" in the Daily News when in fact this was a principal. At first glance of the headline one would think she was teacher. It was another gesture of making NYC teachers look bad when we had no part of this bad behavior. Perhaps it should have read "Bad Mayor" for Bloomberg for hiring her in the first place.
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