MORE plans on bring front and center in the demands of the rank and file during negotiations for our new contract. The rank and file and MORE will be heard! Loudly, clearly, and succinctly.
Dear Brother Mulgrew,
Thanks to you and the Division VP’s for eliciting member views through the contract surveys. I hope this is just the beginning of a local-wide conversation as we make the necessary preparations to defend our living and working conditions, and public education itself, in very challenging circumstances.
Here’s my gist on our upcoming contract negotiations:
No Givebacks - No Zeros - No New Contract – No Work
Janus or No Janus we have a Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governor who are trimming their budgets to pass along the Federal budget cuts to the public-sector workers of New York. No doubt de Blasio and Cuomo will point fingers at one another and the Federal government but where does that leave the UFT contract come November?
If the Supreme Court rules as expected, the UFT will be preoccupied in the coming months to maintain its membership and financial solvency. How does the SCOTUS ruling combined with trickle down budget cuts affect the bargaining position of the UFT?
The best response to Janus and Trump et al is an informed and organized rank and file, in close alliance with other workers and our school communities. The time to organize is now.
We must hold our local and state politicians accountable and demand a decent contract by November 2018.