Imagine if you will (From the files of, "This Shit Can't be Made up!")...
A brand new teacher. In fact a second career if you will. You are in your mid 30's, married about 18 months, and a baby on the way. Heck, you coach high school hockey in your spare time, life is perfect right now.
You start at a school that is just above being the boil on the hairy ass of the South Bronx. Some good veteran teachers are around to show you the ropes, tell you how it is (And how it will be). You see that you have entered bizarro world, you see shit they don't imagine or even tell you that can happen in your teacher school but you persevere.
You're stoic. You have no choice to be.
But gosh diddly darn the kiddies sure do like you. Even administration likes you (Even the AP with the uni-brow). But you are hearing whispers from your colleagues.
"When Open Market comes get the frig out of this school." "Go to Westchester." Stuff like that.
A few days before Christmas vacation and you are looking forward to being a daddy any day. You're busting with pride. Chest is puffed out. The best Christmas present in your life is coming nothing or no one can ruin this feeling you have.
That is except the DOE.
BOOM! You are sent to the Rubber Room post haste. WHY? You have no fucking idea except things you can only piece together in your mind.
Five and a half months in the Rubber Room. For what? Why? Because some parent called 311 with a false complaint. Made up. Bogus. Bullshit.
Why did it take 5 1/2 fucking months to clear this teacher? This couldn't be done in a week? People accused of murder get cleared in less time. What is the point of dragging this out? In fact it took another month from the when official word came that this teacher was cleared to the time he came back to his school.
Praise be to baby Moses that the administration was on his side. It could have been a lot worse for this teacher. What are the repercussions for the parent that took their tongue and told a lie?
The teacher shared with The Crack Team his feelings that he wrote when he returned. We are using it with his permission.
Staff was very pleased and happy to see me. Administration was so apologetic and real of how everything went down, disgusted at the fact DOE had me sitting there for so long not knowing anything about what the accusation was.
They finally told me first thing and it was mind blowing that someone out there can actually make up a lie and get away with it , knowing nothing will happen to them. The fact that they can ruin someone's emotion, integrity and break an individual down is ok with them.
Teaching my first class at 10 am, I wasn't the same teacher I was when I first entered 5 months ago. My enthusiasm, courage and professionalism has completely drained and I don't know how long this will take to diminish. It's a horrible emotional feeling one can feel while going through this nightmare. I'm still not right.
So to all of you, fight with everything you got, because what they are doing to us professionals is just not right. Nothing will ever be heard unless we take a step forward and report this. Unfortunately with me there is no physical evidence I have against this accusation other than my emotional well being. Keep the faith and do not let them get over on you. This is something I will never ever forget. Thank you for guiding me through this hard time and being there for me when I needed it the most. Don't give in, stand your ground and give them hell.
There you go NYCDOE. You taught this teacher in 5 months what it takes most of us a few years to realize. BRAVO!