The Crack Team was able to obtain this letter sent to the PS 29 community by Superintendent Danielle DiMAngo (click to enlarge. Don't click Nixon);
We applaud Ms DiMango for doing the correct thing in accepting Ms Rogers resignation. Obviously she was in over her head and was unable to cut muster as a principal. Perhaps she would have been more productive as a teacher or whatever she had done before that.
People forget the power that they have to affect change at the NYC DOE. Not only the power this blog that continually points out the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of the upper echelon at the DOE, but more importantly, the school communities. Without the communities (families, children, and teachers) of each and every school in NYC we are powerless. Without the mobilization and the actions of the communities, we will forever wallow in what the DOE dishes to us.
So the question remains, how long to clean up the mess at PS 29? We here at SBSB gather not long. It is a strong community over there in College Point and by June, Rogers will be seen as nothing more than a passing fart the flew through Queens. But more importantly, a community has seen what they can do when working as one. Perhaps the PS 29 community can show other communities how to fight back. C'mon, take it on the road!! It'll be a hit.
Yay for PS 29! Wish you all the best of luck! You deserve it! Good riddance!
It's reliably reported that this miserable principal got her job because of her very well-connected mommy. Don't be so sure that this vicious and incompetent excuse for a "leader" doesn't end up occupying an even fancier and more lucrative position of undue influence.
The little guy finally won against the Department of Education! Very happy for the parents and teachers at PS 29!
It is extremely rare for a booted principal to suffer any loss of prestige, power or pay for long. Mind my word: this creature will just change title, office space, and job description and will emerge happy as a basking shark in a sea of krill.
Killed livelihoods are for little people!
Jennifer got what she deserved. She should never work for a school ever again unless she is going to be janitor. She is a pathetic sad individual who preyed on good teachers who worked to the bone. But honestly did she truly learn how terrible she truly is?
Congratulations 29!!!! Hard work pays off and thank you for the people who stood at this rally teachers as well as parents and children. Working together things can change. Can't we get back our old teachers who left our school ? Mr. Avella help us with that and I agree with the post above we need to get one more person out of 29.
Jennifer, if you read this I hope that one day you will realize the damage you did. Remember you have a child now.... How do you sleep nights ?
Get her out !! She is useless in that school. Parents lets get together and work on this second project.
I deleted a comment made at 4:17 PM by Anonymous.
No "outing" by either name or position of UFT members. Only exception is if a rat and publicly come out as one, i.e. any member of E4E, Ruben Brosbe, etc...
Be creative. Use a pseudonym.
We need to celebrate this.... I can't believe she is gone. What a celebration for College Point ......
Congratulations and may this school return to its glory!!
I hope the new principal will remove the other poisonous people in that school.. Just when you think you're done the work has just begun!! Don't forget about Jones' gang. They also don't care about children and should be fired!! They know who they are!! Jones isn't the only one on the Mommy track!
YES ! I agree please take out two's in that school. How can they sit behind those desk.... we need you out.
Making sure that we wiped out one of the gang leaders is not the end of this cause. Granted she is out but this fight will continues for three reasons. (1) those five that benefitted from the excessive over payment for services not rendered committed fraud. (2) the person in the supervisory position that signed or approved all of ms jones actions is also part of this cancer (3) those that justify the self as following are as guilt as Jones are to have same outcome. out of 29.
Mr Dimango did the right thing in accepting the resignation but she really did not have a choice as her tail is also in hot water and as the proof of lack of judgement is clear and impossible to ignore.
We can't celebrate until all of U rating on those teachers that were victims of ms jones cowardly conduct are removed.
for does that are still at ps 29 that considered them self guardian and team players of ms jones........warning this is not over yet. Your excuses that you were following order will not be shield you from your wrong doing. The investigation is still on going
college point will not stop until every single wrong is corrected and the that core values of having our children first is the norm for all by all at our school i
None of this would have happened if that "Miss look at me and see how pretty I am" hadn't come back to the school two years ago.
YeahI agree with you. Since she came back the problems started.
Who are you two talking about? A teacher? Problems were there long before because Jones was already there. You people have amnesia. Jones and her crew were the cause of all the problems. Anyone who takes up for Jones are idiots. Ask yourself:: why would she "resign" when you all know she was dying to come back to terrorize everyone? Why? Because its obvious they have more on her than what we know. Wait and see. She would not have easily walked away from this job unless she had no other choice. And for those of you who thought they were going to get rewarded upon her return, you need to leave as well or you will get your "just desserts" as well.
Guess? The one whose sleeping with all of Queens politicians.
To Anonymous @ 5:07PM. I hope you're not an educator. If you are, I think we've found why our kids do so poorly on tests. When an educator has no grasp of basic spelling and grammar, how does he/she get the students to understand these simple concepts.
Who cares what I am, what are you?. All I know is I am not on my back to get Vellella to come to the school like she is.
You sound so stupid!!!!!! First thing people always want to do is accuse someone of sleeping around to get things done. This is not a Hollywood movie. Its a sad state when people focus on the wrong issues. This woman did not run that school in the best interest of the students. She was rightfully removed and all you can talk about is trash which is not true. What is true is what that woman did because there are facts that have been proven. No, it was never a great place to work while she was there and that's a fact too. As to who you are- its you jones rogers writing like someone is defending you. No one is on your side when it comes to children. I hope you get the therapy you need.
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