In fact, Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal paints herself as the true "progressive educator," even when those progressive ideas continuously crash and burn. In fact, the audio I was searching for truly shows the inconsistencies of Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal (listen here) as a principal. If you are wondering what that means, Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal claims that she believes in giving a warning first. Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal says that she believes in "progressive discipline"
Hmmm, does Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal practice what she says she practices? Highly doubtful. Perhaps with those that curry favor with her, those that follow her around like a lost puppy, or those that drink the Kool-Aid. But does she show progressive discipline with the Outliers of PS 154? I doubt it. Does she show progressive discipline with the over 40 club at PS 154? Nah.
If Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal practices progressive discipline, why then was I written up for smoking outside the school in accordance with Chancellor's Regulation C-810? Why was I written up for not having my "learning environment," not my classroom, in order on September 7, while the rest of the staff had almost until the end of the month?
Why was I written up on the basis of one teacher whining how I addressed her? Why was I written up for going hypoglycemic? Why was I written up on the basis of one teacher, (Same one above) claiming that I did not pick up her class when it was not even my place to pick the class up?
Could I have not been given the opportunity to have counseling memos put in my file? Because if Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal truly practiced progressive discipline what she did to me, and mind you, there is a lot I can't speak about yet, seemed to have been greasing my skids.
Why was, as I still believe to this day, set up to fail from the beginning of September 2012?
But that is what PS 154 under Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal is all about. It's like The Outsiders. You have the Greasers on one sides and the Socs on the other. We all know who the Socs are, we all know their attitudes. The Socs at PS 154 team up on the Greasers, the outcasts, the outliers. The Socs think they can divide and conquer the Greasers, but they can't.
When there 154 is being destroyed by the policies of Dr Alison Coviello; EdD. and Principal, the Socs will be drinking the Kool-Aid and claiming how wonderful things are. It will be the Greasers who save the kids, who save the day.
But maybe, just maybe, some of the Socs will flip. There are some that can be saved, that can leave the dark side.
But the Greasers still left at PS 154, you guys can do it. You guys can save 154. Be sure you speak with SodaPop and Darry, They will give you the help you need.
Oh, and beware the claims of progressive discipline. It's a crock.
1 comment:
It's crazy but the way I read this it almost sound like the good doctor is an effing liar. Crazy huh ?
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