Crack Team physically sick and they spent most of the day in the SBSB vomitorium.
We here at SBSB believe that any UFT member should reach out and do all they can to help other UFT members. But when a UFT member decides to play God, or some other deity, we shall take umbrage.
After the blog post of July 9, 2015, entitled, "Why I Can't Support UFT Solidarity" many emails came in to the SBSB newsroom in shock about one passage regarding the leader;
The emails all expressed indignation and outrage and many wondered how a boss (Yes, lower case b) could have been so irresponsible and think of only himself. Trust us, the above is nothing compared to what The Crack Team came across. Francesco Portelos Francesco Portelos Francesco PortelosGood evening Principal Hernandez,I was reading the below article and couldn't help but wonder who the teacher you had concerns about was. Chancellor Fariña recommended you "observe them many, more times a day."I'm curious in not only their identity, but if they are probationary/non tenured or veteran? Even more important to me is what support have they been given in the last year, two years, three years etc.I will be making a Freedom of Information Law request today to obtain documentation on the support this teacher was given. Please expect communication from the Records Office soon. I don't agree with the chancellor's "counseling" methods and intend to follow up on the number of observations this teacher has from now until the end of school in June.
As we know under the new contract ATR's who fail to show for 2 interviews are will be treated as if they voluntarily resigned their employment. Francesco Portelos Francesco Portelos Francesco
The Crack Team, through several well placed and above reproach sources, has found out of one ATR who missed both interviews and was deemed having resigned. Francesco Portelos Francesco Portelos
That is sad. From what The Crack Team has found out since is that there was a legitimate mix up and miscommunication on the part of the ATR and the UFT was in the process of negotiating with the DOE to come to a favorable conclusion. The fact that the DOE was amenable to this says a lot about not only the UFT finally reaching out for a member, but for the DOE to compromise and show a human face. Things were going to be worked out and the ATR would have been back on payroll.
That is until there was unsolicited interference on behalf of the ATR. Francesco Portelos Francesco Portelos
According to sources, someone playing God, decided to stick his nose in this issue and contacted the DOE. This "deity" tried to intimidate the DOE on behalf of this ATR, even though this ATR was never asked for the assistance of a "deity" nor did this ATR even know who the "deity" is.
This act by the "deity" so turned off, and this is according to several sources, the DOE, that the DOE (From what has been ascertained) decided to take away the offer made to the ATR and leave the ATR without a job. The "deity" was left with a job and with it's hands clean so to speak.
One must ask one this. Is this the kind of "deity" we need? What would a real Boss (Yes, upper case B) do, such as Bruce Springsteen or George Steinbrenner? How could someone purport to be such a leader and/or boss (Yes, lower case b) and do such a damaging act? Francesco Portelos
Surely, one should ask themselves who was this "deity"putting first? The "deity's"ego or the needs of the ATR. One should think about this question and refer to the two previous blog posts to help them come a rational conclusion.
And this "deity" needs to look in the mirror and think real hard about why the perception that is out there is there. And perhaps, just perhaps, think what would God do and what the "deity" must do now.
I understand that you do not like UFT Solidarity. But I am wondering whether you disagree with the group's mission or simply the fact the group is running for the UFT election. It's odd that there appears to be a lot of press about UFT Solidarity after a slate is revealed for the elections but not prior to this summer. Just want to respectfully point this out.
Lydia you were there at meeting with ICE.
You seem quite enraptured with UFT Solidarity Caucus. You are welcomed to become an official member by visiting uftsolidarity.org. If you have any questions or ideas to share you are welcomed to come to our next General Meeting or show up at a rally. You can also email us at info@uftsolidarity.org. I've been to a few rallies and I've never seen you there? What are your beliefs regarding the UFT and the direction it should take? What other candidates do you think should take Michael Mulgrew's place?
Peter, you didn't answer my question. Is it simply because of political differences, leadership, the election, or a combo of all 3? That's all I want to know.
Lydia, I have the utmost of respect for you. I have mentioned why I feel the way I do here; http://www.southbronxschool.com/2015/07/why-i-cant-support-uft-solidarity.html
As to the anonymous person, I have stated preferred UFT presidential candidates here http://www.southbronxschool.com/2015/07/sparkles-for-2016-uft-president.html and here http://www.southbronxschool.com/2015/07/who-is-qualified-to-be-uft-president.html
As for why I have never been to an officially sanctioned Solidarity rally, well I prefer rallies with more than 10 people. Besides, when you do what I have done then you can speak about what I have done for the so-called cause. :P M'kay?
A question is it that you can't support Solidarity as whole or just who they want as their president on their running slate? If they chose someone else say Sparkles would you consider changing your mind and support them?
Does the fact that the person Solidarity chose as their presidential candidate is someone who is considered a self-serving megalomaniac not only by people in the UFT but by most of the opposition show some lapse of judgement on the part of the caucus? Informal polls of the opposition to Unity show that if given the choice of Mulgrew or the Solidarity candidate they would choose not to vote due to the level of mistrust he has created. If Solidarity wants be taken seriously consider withdrawing the candidate. Sparkles is preferred. And why do Solidarity supporters spend so much time hanging around this blog to comment if you are so offended? South Bronx blogger, like so many others, was once a supporter. Ask yourself how so many former supported have woken up? Do you harbor doubts about the stability of your candidate? Look in the mirror and ask yourself just how comfortable you would be if this guy were running the union.
What help besides asking to FOIL has this so call wanna be President and Solidarity offered to the ATR that was terminated by the DOE? I am sure many of us would like to know the answer….. mr. president we are waiting for an answer. How did you (cough, cough, cough) did you help this ATR since your last attempt? Enquiring minds want to know. Maybe one of your minions can tell us?
Speaking of FOILing let's not forget the "deity" has a website, www.edufoil.com where the teacher in need of help, who is disenfranchised, can plunk $20 per FOIL request into the coffers of the "deity" to get back a lot of redacted shit.
I had an issue with this and when brought up was met with nothing but the wave of a hand. Curious, if one claims they're for the teachers why would one want to profit off the backs of teachers in trouble?
You mean Solidarity is nothing more than cover for a money-making scheme? I'm shocked.
Hey can the ATR who lost their job sue for the 20 bucks? The ATR didn't offer to pay for the FOIL? I smell a lawsuit in the making. What do you have to say Mr. FOILMAN!!!!!
Is it possible to foil to see how much money was made in placing foil request?
I heard you were yapping again Peter Zucker. Skimmed above and both stories are inaccurate. In fact, the ATR is a friend of mine on Facebook, likes my posts and shares them.
Are these posts the best you've got? C'mon Peter...hit me... You're a fun sparring partner.
Inaccurate? How so? So she likes you and shares your posts. Big whoop. Why do you turn everything to you?
Prove the inaccuracies and I'll retract and/or I'll write Ames culpa
Damn auto correct. mea Culpa
Actually.. what's this? An email from the ATR:
------- Forwarded message ----------
From: >
Date: Dec 10, 2014 2:51 PM
Subject: ATR removal from Service
Dear Mr.Portelos,
I am an ATR who is friends with xxxxx . She recommended that I contact you about being removed from active ATR service as of Friday December 5th, in District 28 for allegedly having missed two mandatory interviews.
I can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx thank you so much.
Ok. So it was not unsolicited. I stand corrected. And how did your "help" work out?
Just what we want in our next UFT president - someone who loves sparring with Zucker. You just proved Zucker's point.
The only way I will even remotely consider voting for Solidarity is if they have rally offering some good free food.....because frankly......that is all the caucus is good for at this point......
Peter Zucker is off track. How dare he make light of Francesco's humanitarian efforts? I know for a fact that he only charged this ATR $19.95 instead of the usual $20 for www.edufoil.com.
At least 15 other ATRs have lost their jobs illegally due to this method. I'll take the blame for them too.
On my way to Disney with the family now. I'll spar with you and anyone else while I'm poolside at the resort. While I do that with one hand, Solidarity team will continue their great work building and supporting. They're awesome and I'm happy you aren't part of Solidarity.
You keep writing these posts instead of looking for a part time job and supporting your family. By October/November you'll have a field supervisor on you. I'll be there to support you then, but make no mistake...I would not want you teaching my own kids.
So what is the real truth? Did the ATR ask the future president to write the letter asking to foil? Or did the commander wanna be do that on his own? I am still waiting for an answer. Oh and say hi to Mickey for me! Maybe you will get an endorsement for him too!
Again, you bring my family into this. Why is that? Not even Mulgrew would do that.
It just only goes to show that Portelos can't think of anything else to write about you than to include your family…. it is called deflect and leave the enemy off kilter. He doesn't want the readers to get to the bottom of the truth. He is not telling the truth. Did the ATR person actually ask you UNION BOSS to foil for her? How many times must someone ask you that question before you answer…keep evading you look more guilty every time you bring Bronx Teacher's family life into the conversation.
Zucker your family must have really impressed Portelos at the Bar Mitzah he keeps talking about them so often. Did you send a thank you card with a photo?
His family did impress upon me. Recently Peter text me that he's afraid of losing them since he's been off payroll. Barely knowing Peter I donated to his fund here and shares the link http://www.gofundme.com/southbronxschool
Then after dropping $150 I really didn't have for his son's bar mitzvah I get these fun thank you posts. No worries. As he writes these, others he harassed are preparing to fight back.
Here's how he harasses women and this doesn't include the countless emails he sent ant the very same people anonymously posting here.
Wow. The fiction here is just how do say...fictional. I am curious to see the text to you about fear of losing my family.
As for the fiction from my RR colleague the only thing true is that she voluntarily moved to copy room and whilst there decided to pick on a 72 year old cancer survivor who had to have an eye removed. But she never told you that part? Did she tell you of all the people she screamed at and berated for no reason? Did she tell you how many times she told people to shut up and to stop talking? Did she tell you how no one wanted anything to do with her?
Yes, it was all b/c of me and my Dominican friend. I wish I were that powerful. If I were I could have been a, hmmmmmm, yeah, I couldve been a UNION BOSS.
You keep making this personal. I haven't. I do not like your behavior as a so called "union boss." I have nothing against you as a human being.
But every time I bring up what I am displeased with in your so called role all you can do is sink to the lowest common denominator and worse bring my family into it. So what if someone didn't like me or whatever. I don't care.
But keep on with the cheap shots. By doing that you're showing your lack of emotional ability to be a "union boss". Seriously, if by some cosmic fluke of the universe you actually win what will you do when the real criticism comes out? How will you then handle that?
Oh and since you wish to reveal everything, please share how I said in the diner, at the MORE meeting, and in an email that I wish to repair things. Please share how you had one of your minions PM me on Facebook on your behalf hoping that we can iron things out.
Have fun in Disney. Don't do what I did and wait 2 1/2 hours on line for Pirates of the Carribean. We did only because wife had thing for Johnny Depp at the time.
Sadly we are still waiting to hear the answer from the all powerful Wizard of Oz …..oops I meant Union Boss did the ATR really ask you to go ahead and FOIL? Many people would still like to know. We really don't care about Bronx Teacher's family life or your trip to Disney World--- but we want that question answered soon. Perhaps before you complete writing your platform.
Bronx Teacher can you reach out to the ATR and find out specifically if the UNION BOSS got the okay to foil? We really would like to know. Oh maybe who is his favorite Mickey or Donald?
Screw that. Let's just watch Portelos crash and burn right now with how low he will sink. Portelos when did you stop beating your wife?
Guys, play nice!
Disney World in Orlando, FL, or Disneyland in Anaheim, CA?
I've been to both in the summer.
The heat and humidity in Orlando is oppressive.
And it rains torrentially for about a half-hour in the middle of each afternoon.
One characteristic of a good union boss is being able to generate prompt, highly effective responses to member complaints, concerns, and inquiries.
These responses can either be from the union boss or from some other union official who is authorized to deal with the particular matter.
Does anyone have any stories to share about how Charles Cogen, Al Shanker, Sandy Feldman, Randi Weingarten, and Mike Mulgrew handled member communications?
I just read your post in its entirety. My email to the principal had nothing to do with the ATR. The teacher was not an ATR. SI therefore there was no connection between FOIL and the ATR.
Speaking of FOIL though you did all me to make FOIL requests for you several times right?
From: "Bronx Teacher"
Date: Aug 6, 2013 4:06 PM
Subject: FOIL
To: "Mr. Portelos"
Firstly, Happy Birthday!
I know you are busy, but did you get the we need another 30 days email from FOIL department ?
Sent from my iPhone
More requests you made and I helped you. You wanted evidence.
From: "So BronxSchool"
Date: Mar 26, 2013 2:25 PM
Subject: FOILing
To: "Francesco Portelos"
FOIL on principal Alison Coviello and Superintendent Yolanda Torres. Her email account is; ytorres5@schools.nyc.gov
Personal file and time cards for last 5 years.
Also an accounting of every dime, to whom, when, why, etc.... This included vendors, subs, etc... Also per session. She has spent has principal since April 29, 2012.
All OARS (OORS?) reports filed by her since April 29, 2012
Her PPR and TDR's for school years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012.
Any email account from September 1, 2011 to present. From email accounts acoviello@jdhyatt.org and acoviello@schools.nyc.gov and her personal email acoviello@aol.com (if she used this from DOE computer) as well as her text messages from Blackberry.
Words to look for:
"Peter Zucker", blogger, blog, PZ, Z, "character education", TC, "teachers college", Calkins, Lucy, Jew, "through literacy", Kike, age, he, him, "blue eyes", Zuck, Peter, Zucker, Pete, PAZ, literacy, 326, "South Bronx School," Sobronxschool, SBSB, "Bronx Teacher," BT, blog, blogger, @sobronxschool (my twitter account), "character education," literacy, ELA, "south Bronx school,"
Oh and don't forget the Blackberry. All the terms in this and the previous email for her texts. Both Coviello and Torres.
Use above criteria and key words for any inter office correspondence and using mail, FedEx, UPS, etc....
Any and all memorandum as well from April 29, 2012 to present.
Any and all emails relating to her job performance.
All emails, memos, etc... related to her being hired as principal.
Her licensing history.
How much and to whom as she paid per session to since becoming principal.
Visit the blog:
No crashing and burning here...Just a little play fighting or sparring.
You underestimate the number of people who read these blogs. From Norm's to MORE to ICE to this to Arthur's and mine. Let's say it's 2,000 regular readers. There are approximately 200,000 ballots that will go out next Spring.
You really don't get the point? I am appreciative of EVERYTHING you have done in the past. However, once I dared to not follow blindly you took it as a personal slight. I questioned your actions, is that such a horrible thing?
I asked you a very valid question at the diner. I questioned some of your statements. Why is that so horrible?
You then threw my Decision in my face. Then you started making unfounded accusations and rumormongering. You bring my family into YOUR responses. I tell you I am more than willing to talk this out. Yet you continue with ad hominem attacks! And you wonder why I can't support you? GEEZ!!
My issue with the FOIL is charging teachers money to FOIL
No YOU don't get it. You don't get your own insignificance here in this game. I'm not going to drive up to your house and "talk this out." I don't negotiate with fake activists and I'm not here to convince you to vote for me or to stop your obsessive posts about me and Solidarity. I came here to toy with you like a cat will toy with a mouse before it becomes dinner. I'll do the same with administrators who hurt our members and UFT reps who are corrupt and lazy.
Post what you want to post. Vote how you want to vote. Like I said I'll spar with you when I feel like looking at my phone and play you're game. The way you're going, you'll self destruct before elections even approach.
Just think about how many Facebook groups you've been blocked from in the last week. Six? Seven?
Stop harassing and calling people. You know what I mean. This won't end well for you.
haha!!! 6 or 7 name them. God, you are so funny and so amazingly insecure.
I can count only the 3 you are involved with.
I take that with as an honor.
But I've noticed two things and I will be done responding to you. You act like an OSI investigator by taking things out of context and using unfounded accusations.
And why so scared of being criticized?
And why did you email me and Norm?
I think that Portelos and Zucker should have a sit down at a diner. Norm should tape and transcribe the meeting so all of us can decide once and for all what is the real true. Let's see who is willing to man up to the challenge? Maybe this will end the bickering back and forth. Finally everyone will know the real truth!
Pussy move by Portelos.....let it go Peter...he will never be president of the UFT.
This is one delusional and vindictive motherfucker.
You mean mother-Zucker!
Don't be a Zucker, Vote Portelos!
Why? Zucker may think he's irreverent, but he's irrelevant. Unfortunately for him Portelos is not.
Little mice being toyed with by self-proclaimed deities are irrelevant. Our leader strikes fear into your very fabric like he has done to Tweed and 52 Broadway, where every one of his words resound like an earthquake. They have teamed up with all of his enemies to try to crush him but he will crush them first. Look for a blitzkrieg on Sept. 1. Sig Heil!
Mazel Tov to Portelos. He's not the one using Nazi phrases.
Did anyone read the July 9th post that Portelos wants to work at a restaurant? Maybe with all the places More and Ice have gone to for their meetings they can arrange a cooking position for him with he loses his spot on the podium. Then he can be the head cook. I see a clip from Saturday Night Live "Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, Coke NO Pepsi" in his future.
I don't think its Portelos who is looking for work. Not cool to ridicule ones ethnicity.
Wow!!! I didn't know union leaders could legally post personal emails from their members on the WWW & attack them with false information. A combination of defamation of character and breach of confidentiality. It makes me thankful that I am not a NYC teacher nor an UFT Member. Not only can you get badly abused by your administration you get also get thrown under the bus by your local union leaders. Good luck w/ your election Francesco, anyone that votes for you needs to be on meds.
I went to Disney World in July it was hot and it did storm once a day. But; DW has all the shops open so the sidewalks feel air conditioned and the storms only lasts for at the most a half hour. We had a blast, but, how could we not DW is a fun place.
And FYI Francesco, I am so glad you are out of the classroom. Your track record reveals that you shouldn't be given charge of a goldfish, never mind children. You're a disgrace to my profession.
I think Portelos used alot of restraint with Zucker; a guy he helped who has been publically and personally attacking him.
I can hardly wait to read Portelos response. You know he can't help himself. His ego is too big!
Anon 4:10 you really think Portelos has restraint when he brought Zucker's family life for the world to read? Is that what a leader should do? You think it was restraint when he called out Zucker 3020 charges when he hasn't the guts to print all of his? Take your rose colored glasses off. Think about it if it was you. Zucker is not the only one he threw under the bus.
Mary, it is a good thing Portelos was not the campaign manager for Sparkles. I know Portelos and Mildew should run together on a combo ticket. Then at least a decent candidate might split the votes and win. Finally we would a real leader for the UFT.
He didn't disparage his family he said he went a Bar Mitzvah. The point being he was Zucker punched.
As for the 3020a against either one no cares but them (and maybe you). I've seen Zucker in action, it ain't pretty.
You don't think a Portelos Punch isn't just as ugly? He posted about Zucker losing his family. Is that playing nice? Zucker can get emotional but he never threw someone under a bus like Portelos. Zucker is just really passionate your guy is a phony. You will see when he doesn't win and he is just a regular ATR like the rest of us.
Zucker may be passionate but he's also an offensive, insensitive Neanderthal. Portelos is not. Portelos helps people, including Zucker.
Here's how it goes.
At the ICE meeting when Portelos came to ask for a joint slate I asked him the simplest of questions; "Would you be willing to put aside your presidential nomination and let the chips fall where they may letting a joint committee decide on president?" He couldn't even say yes or no.
Yes, I brought up the lack of democracy on DTOE vis a vis they affiliation with New Action and other mis-truths.
As we left the diner I had some things to say. God forbid I used curse word. For shame. At this point not only did Francesco decide to throw in my face my 3020a decision but one of the charges as well. I was left with no recourse other than to clarify; http://www.southbronxschool.com/2015/07/the-leader-and-cowgirl.html
Several days later after this posting and after reading Francesco's comments on a post written on James Eterno's blog; http://iceuftblog.blogspot.com/2015/07/ice-reaffirms-support-for-more-uft.html and reading the tone of Francesco's comments I felt I need to explAin why I can support Solidarity; http://www.southbronxschool.com/2015/07/why-i-cant-support-uft-solidarity.html
It was at this point that Francesco decided to share the musings of a bitter 70 year old alcoholic that no one liked in my RR that I sexually harassed her.
But then for what ever reason, had to bring my family into argument? Why? As much as am disgusted at what my principal had done I had never brought her family into it.
But then there were the other non-sequitur arguments as that once I was admonished on the MORE list serv and other mundane crap like "how many FB pages have you gotten booted from?" Geez, BFD. I am honored I did just as I did from E4E or when the Bayou Schicksa Campbell Brown blocked me on Twitter.
So simple. Cause and effect. Portelos keeps whatever to the topic at hand I never write those posts.
The other question is why did Francesco decide to whack Norm and Arthur Goldstein for no reason? http://protectportelos.org/the-rise-of-uft-solidarity/ in May.
Word is Portelos sucker punched Linda Hill after not getting his way. Once he found his way out of her colon he backstabbed her too. He only came to our side cause he wasn't wanted on the other team! I say Watch your back people. If you do it once maybe it was a mistake twice oh well but 3x times in any ballpark your out.
I wonder who the 4:32 and 4:49 anonymous.
But please describe how you have seen me in action. Please describe how I have never helped anyone. Please describe how Francesco has helped people.
I'm going to dinner in an hour. Please describe by then.
A 70 year old woman that is all he could sling your way in terms of sexual harassment? Sounds pretty desperate to me. I think Portelos is reaching for straws and he got the short one. Portelos can't handle it that is he not everyone number one choice. Some people are speaking their truth as they have experienced it.
Question-- Did Portelos offer to help the 70 year old on her 3020 and FOIL for her. Or maybe she is just not that useful for him right now.
Addressing both Anonymous handles: Once you use one of your student's names in a negative light, regardless of what the issue is, on social media you're not a teacher anymore. I certainly would never want him to represent me and I would never want him to be my child's teacher. He's revealed himself to be totally unethical, self-promoting & abusive. For example:
He also did other unethical things: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/teacher-misuse-school-property-fired-article-1.1327772
Anyone defending him is insane
Are you kidding? Sam Pirozzolo is your defense and I'm insane? I suppose if you don't want Portelos or Mulgrew, he could be your next Boss.
It's not Portelos you really need to watch. That should be obvious enough. It's his creepy minions who feign support for you and then tell everything to Portelos. If you're an educator DON'T post on "Don't Tread on Educators." DON'T give anyone from that site (Facebook and the actual website) your personal info. I know it's tempting because they can seem so supportive when no one else is listening but don't, just don't. You'll be left without a job and a stack of bills for "services" they've provided.
Portelos is a narcissistic, self promoting ass who will never rise above the level of ATR....keep rotating asshole.
This is a really low blow towards his ethnicity. Not cool.
Mary, where do you teach? Is your union supportive of teachers? I'm finding across the many unions as in DC and Chicago they are throwing them under the bus.
We all have to keep rotating, that's the problem. No one has done anything but Portelos and he's burned at the stake for it. Zucker may understand things a little clearer when he's treated as a piece of garbage on a daily basis as an ATR.
@anonymous 8:42 Still waiting to hear what Portelos has actually accomplished. I asked this question 4 1/2 hours ago and all I've heard are crickets
In the burbs in NY State. My local union is worth their weight in gold but so is the community. The nonsense going on in major cities started trickling into my area but not as severe as places like NYC, Chicago & Los Angeles. That's why I am looking at Union leadership and how it effects their delegates.
ATRalliance, Solidarity, organization of ATRs, helping numerous teachers and ATRs, running against Mulgrew and of course helping you in your time of need. I went out for diner too- the world doesn't revolve around you or me.
Dear Anonymous 9:52 PM. So what. Anyone can start some groups. Or say they started a group. My cat is running against Mulgrew. So big whoop. We're talking real accomplishments.
When are Zucker and Portelos meeting at diner? Can someone volunteer bring a tape recorder to get every word down.Or maybe it can be posted on youtube? Let's hash this thing out between the two of you once and for all. We need to get to the bottom of this and move on. We need to find a candidate for UFT President, Sparkles has declined.
My thoughts exactly. Cutting and pasting and cribbing wiki descriptions does not s blogger make. Try some other hobby. Better yet go work or help some people. Volunteer for the less fortunate.
Yes, its a big deal especially the part where he actually helps people. I guess that's another one of your brain farts. Take some laxative and get rid of that brain of yours.
Again you say he has helped people. Specifically how? Exactly what has he accomplished?
I would say look at yourself for that answer. You haven't denied he has helped you and you said you were appreciative. Again he has organized ATRs, Soldarity, organized protests and done alot of good. What have you done other than put a knife in the back of someone who helped you?
Did he organize under the guise of MORE? That doesn't count now. Or did someone else put up the ATR Facebook site and he took credit for it? Can you name one specific person other than Zucker that he supposedly helped? Even after helping Zucker, he (Zucker) got knifed in the back.
Yes he did. So did Norm Scott. Patrick Walsh. Chaz, MORE, Schietzer, and countless others. I had serious disagreements with Norm, Schirtzer, and MORE. Never did they throw my case or my decision in my face. Never posted rumors from EDP's. Never used my family. See the difference.
You need to ask yourself why you follow blindly.
Again, what has Francesco actually accomplished?
Listen - I and people in ICE and MORE plus bloggers Arthur Goldstein and Chaz have been helping ATRs for a decade. You can look it up. I find it insulting that some of you think you and Portelos discovered the ATR issue in the past year - since he became an ATR -- show me what you and he did all these years before? ATR Alliance? I had an ATR alliance in 2011 - and held meetings with over 40 ATRs - where were you? Some of you didn't give a shit about ATRs until you became one yourself. I was already retired for 3 years when the ATR issue arose. People like Eterno and Kaufman were on the UFT Exec Bd from ICE battling for ATRs in 2005. You know- that same Eterno, a former UFT presidential candidate, who is deemed worthy of being only 2nd banana to the 3-year wonder on the Solidarity ticket because he cannot run a 5-star restaurant but is good a cooking a burger. (for those not getting this ref I'll leave it to you to find where that insult to one of the great union activists over the past generation came from).
Peter was a blogger fighting for teachers when Portelos was still on the bridge. who recommended Peters' blog to me? The great parent leader Patrick Sullivan. Is Peter an angel? Certainly not. He is a royal pain in the ass and volatile.
I attended a dozen of Portelos' hearings and most of Peter's. I learned a lot about both of them and how they operate. I learned Peter has a good heart. He has his job today partly because of a parent who testified that he was the only teacher in the school who gave a shit about her kid who was very difficult. Peter never gave up another teacher. He admitted he was an a-hole at times. He has learned some humility. Some people never learn.
I have 75 pages of notes on the Portelos trial and 25 on Peter's. One day I'll write a book. All I'll say here is that at no point at Peter's hearing did I hear one word that would make me think he could be evil. He would never go after someone's family. At the other hearing I heard more than one instance of retaliation against families of people on the "enemies" list, stories that made many of the observers shake their heads. Observers and supporters by the way who mostly came from the ranks of MORE/ICE. How soon people forget.
You ask who he helped and the answer is you. You asked what he accomplished and I list them. I don't blindly follow Portelos. He has helped me and I certainly wouldn't thank him the way you have.
How has he helped you? Did he get you a job so you are no longer an ATR?
There are people who have worked without yapping to get credit - people in MORE - working behind the scenes to get principals to hire people so they are out of the ATR pool. Show one example of an ATR helped who is no longer an ATR. Otherwise it is all noise.
And I would urge all those supporters to be careful about what you say in email or in voice conversations. For one day if you disagree you move to the wrong side of the ledger and are subject to having anything you wrote or said used against you.
Zucker asked specific questions concerning Portelos, not on anyone else's work, help or organizations. He has obsessively attacked Portelos. When Zucker starts losing the argument you always come to his defense. Now that's what I call a real friend.
Were those people in MORE attacked for helping? Were they questioned specifically on how they were helped the way you are questioning me? Has MORE's help been denigrated if it hasn't met your criteria of being removed from the ATR list? You my dear are the one making noise.
"Were they questioned specifically on how they were helped the way you are questioning me?"
Who is "me?" Portelos posting as anonymous?
Poor guy, always a victim. And people are all jealous of the great man. Get out that snake and sic it on Zucker. Doesn't an esteemed presidential candidate have more important things to do than play with the little mouse Zucker? How pathetic for a great leader to be brought down so low. It shows just how threatening even the criticism from Zucker is.
Maybe MORE people are honorable and there is no reason to denigrate.
So that gives them the right to denigrate others?
You're reply makes no sense. If someone stands for up for Portelos its automatically Portelos? So by the same logic you must be Zucker.
Did any of you read Portelos last comment from ICEUFT July 6th post? He said everyone was jealous of him
(meaning MORE & ICE) cause they were still meeting in the back of a diner after 30 years of work. He can do such a better job after only 3 years. Give me a break please…. What an ego!
Anon 3:28 When as MORE denigrated anyone? I wrote this a year ago and too the heat like a man http://www.southbronxschool.com/2014/08/more-needs-to-change.html Norm and I bickered but families, personal stuff was left out. Schirtzer was pissed. Same from him.
Again what have I said that is untrue. Where have I attacked?
There's something seriously wrong with you. I was responding to the tirade of someone using MORE to denigrate my help from Portelos. You've done nothing but attack Portelos and Solidarity for two weeks. Read your own blogs if you need further examples. I'm done. It's been entertaining. I wish you luck with everything. I may not like you, but I respect you. Glad we could argue like this.
Didn't Portelos denigrate the work of people in ICE and MORE for still meeting in a diner? Or the work people have done for so many year? Didn't Solidarity meet in a diner recently? Didn't Portelos horn in on an ICE meeting begging for support? Didn't he denigrate Eterno whom he courted and in his usual pattern, when turned down turns people who disagree with him into an enemy? The eternal victim who everyone is jealous of. Where did MORE denigrate anyone? Portelos openly says he badgers MORE with requests to meet with him. MORE ignores him - a crime in his book. The devil cast out of heaven. MORE people supported him, put him on steering and kept him on steering even after he started a website Portelos in 2016 and then tried to exploit the internal struggle MORE was having for his own ends. Yet MORE has remained silent. People in MORE want nothing more to do with him because of the experience of trying to work with him. But if he doesn't get his way he cries like a baby.
He came to ICE asking to attend their meeting - ICE didn't go to him.
Let Solidarity do whatever work it wants to do but leave the other groups alone. Peter has the right to say why he doesn't support Portelos or Solidarity.
Norm points out that ATR work and support has been done for 10 years by many people who don't look to exploit that work for political ends. Don't try to turn ATRs against the other groups as some comments from ATRs have indicated -- what have you done for ATRs comments. Study some history before jumping off the bridge.
If Solidarity wants to be taken seriously it should not have Portelos be its public face. Find another candidate. Portelos baggage is very heavy. Point to one person who has been active in the opposition to Unity who will publicly support him now. Even the people who did support Solidarity have pulled back. Jealousy? Really?
Anon 7:33 you said it all. There is no room for a rebuttal. I hope Portelos will give searching Zucker's post.
No more responses? Looks like Zucker will have to start writing his next blog. Now let's all try to guess the title of the new blog article? "A Tale of Two Activists", "The Prince and the Pauper" or maybe "Romlus and Remus". Add your title choice below.
Sorry. Sparkles will officially announce that she is running for UFT President. We will have an exclusive interview with her on tomorrow's blog post. Look for it!
Let's just hope she coughs up that hairbal before the interview.
Thanks Ed Notes 4 validating what I see, too. Peter where is part 2 for this segment....
No part 2. Sparkles next.
Is she competing with Eva & opening a charter school or still a contender?
Still a contender
Does anyone point out that for all of the rumors that Unity members have to sign a loyalty oath Solidarity actually has a loyalty oath?
I don't see any oath. Can you point out what you mean, and where it occurs?
There is a link on that page which brings you to this page http://uftsolidarity.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=43b6a698cb7f4bbfe497544dc&id=2b3041c89c
A stretch but seems like a pledge. E4E?
Portelos is the best thing that happened to our movement and that bothers all of the aging Icers and the self absorbed infant MORE folks. Portelos has vision and the rest of you are just complainers. You can't be the establishment when all you are is an anti-establishment group of radicals who have no vision. You all fear Portelos because he doesn't drink the MORE/ICE kool-aid. Pathetic. MORE/ICE a group of people who don't believe in loyalty to a common cause or each other and think saying No to everything is a strategy. How will that work for our members. You all make Portelos look like the best thing ever. Congratulations!
Poetelos will smash those ancient doddering senile fossils from ICE and strangle those infant self-absorbed MORE radicals in their cribs. They don't believe in loyalty to the common cause known as Portelos and thus will burn in hell. Portelos is the best thing ever. Even Randi Weingarten recognized that and encouraged him to take on those radicals and ancient ones. They shared notes when they met on how to disguise your narcissism, egomania and sociopathy. She seems to be doing a better job. But our boy has time to learn.
Hey Man, You guys, either something was radically wrong with this guy before he left his previous job or his being tossed in the Rubber Room somehow effected his psyche. Support mental health and leave him be-if Trump can run for President, than this poor soul can run for UFT Leader. Aside from being a Narcissist, he also suffers from a severe case of paranoia-even the Department of Sanitation was after him!
Where is the evidence that Weingarten is doing a better job?
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