To remind all, the physical education teacher had retired and no foresight had been taken to find a qualified replacement. Sadly, the students of PS 154 were left with nothing.
It is well documented that the children of the inner city are more prone to obesity, asthma, and diabetes amongst other maladies. There are a lack of recreational diversions and the lack of healthy food establishments such as restaurants and supermarkets are quite lacking.
So too many of the students of the inner city those state mandated periods in the gym are not only the only true physical activity they that will participate in, but the time involved in physical education but help preclude and/or buttress the obesity, asthma and diabetes that pervades them so easily.
More than that it can help counter that lack of a healthy diet when that diet is filled with sugary drinks, salty foods, and fatty foods such as Cappicola, Soppressata, and Prosciutto. Even heavy rich cheeses such as Provolone, Ricotta, and Mozzarella di Bufala lead to and high cholesterol in students.
Therefore we here at SBSB are perplexed and discombobulated at what sources at PS 154 shared with The Crack Team.
In a school leadership team meeting this past Monday, the status, or the lack of status, of a physical eduction program worthy of the students of PS 154 was brought up. DR Alison Coviello, Ed.D and Principal of PS 154 in the Bronx, a woman who claims she never, ever lies (pinky swear to God) told the team;
State law does not allow a teacher with a Common Branch license to tech PE.
Say what? The Crack Team laughed. They laughed a good laugh and said;
"There goes DR Alison Coviello, Ed.D and Principal creating her own rules again."We understand that when one rules with impunity, one tends to start believing that they can rule by fiat.
So as a public service to the SLT at PS 154 and for DR Alison Coviello, Ed.D and Principal, let's have a looksee at New York State Ed Law pertaining to physical education once more.
All students in K-12 must attend and participate in a physical education program.
All pupils in grades K-3 shall attend and participate in physical education on a daily basis.
All pupils in grades 4-6 shall attend and participate in physical education not less than three times per week.
120 minutes per calendar week exclusive of any time that may be required for dressing and showering.
Grades K-3 are required to have daily physical education for a minimum total of 120 minutes per week. Grades 4-6 are required to have physical education three days per week for a minimum total of 120 minutes per week. See Commissioner's Regulation 135
Recess may not be used to meet the physical education days/time requirement
Under Commissioner's Regulation Part 135.4(c)(4)(i), elementary classroom teachers may teach physical education under the direction and supervision of a certified physical educator.
Designing the elementary physical education curriculum should be a cooperative venture of the District Director of Physical Education, the elementary physical education teacher(s) and the elementary classroom teachers. This would ensure that the physical education curriculum covered in this fashion counts toward the day and time requirement, and will be documented in both the physical education teacher's lesson plans and elementary classroom teacher's lesson plans. See Commissioner's Regulation 135
Remember, under the direction and supervision of a certified physical educator does not mean one must be present at all times.
The Crack Team suggests that Lindsey Harr, Executive Director, Office of School Wellness Programs be contacted post haste for the benefit of the students of PS 154 and to clarify and answer any concerns.
1 comment:
K - 2 especially need P.E. For balance, coordination, repeating patterns, following directions .. P.S. They need to sing and laugh and have fun. Who DOESN'T know that?
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