Sara Wottoawa, of Long Island has taken the time out of her busy schedule to organize this day for the nearly 20 million citizen of the great State of New York to tell our elected officials enough is enough!
As Sara has written on the Blitz Facebook page;
Now that the holidays are behind us and our legislators are planning to return to Albany for the 2014 Session next week, we’ve noticed media coverage of Common Core has quieted down significantly. Our mission is to ensure this quiet time is not misinterpreted as complacency.
Governor Cuomo is scheduled to deliver his State of the State Address on January 8th. We need to apply statewide pressure on him to specifically address the failures of education reform in New York. Doing so would get this issue front and center in the media again.
We have an idea that will be very effective, and we need your help. Starting on Thursday, January 2, we begin the New York New Year Blitz on Governor Cuomo and the Legislature. We will call, fax, email, Tweet, and snail-mail Governor Cuomo and ask him why he has turned a deaf ear on our voices, why he refuses to acknowledge the failure of Common Core in New York State, and why he has not spoken one word about education deform in response to our testimonies and appearances at NYSED’s and Senator Flanagan’s hearings around the state. We will do the same to our legislators (Assembly and Senate) and remind them that we are still here, we are still not happy, and that they work for us! They need to ignore Flanagan’s proposed legislation and do something that throws Common Core out of New York.
Public protests and picketing at local/regional television news stations across the state would put us front and center with a unified message to the Governor that this issue isn’t dead, and that Flanagan’s report of his statewide hearings was an abysmal misrepresentation of the shortcomings, experiences, and objections presented by parents, educators, administrators, and early childhood development experts. On Monday, January 6th beginning at 4 p.m. outside each TV news station listed below, we make our voices heard. We will call on the media to get our message out. We will bring signs, placards, bullhorns. We will apply as much pressure and generate as much noise as humanly possible.
We will post this activity to every social media outlet and make it go viral. After the Governor’s Address on the 8th, we get on the phones, we get on our computers and we flood every New York State Senator’s office (both locally and in Albany) with the message to get this fixed and not stop until it is. We keep the heat turned up high until someone steps forward with a REAL common-sense solution to this mess. It is only the majority of people statewide that will show Flanagan how wrong he has been about the Common Core and his interpretation of the message we have been sending.
THIS IS IT FOLKS!! What we’ve been training for…our Marathon Day! This is the effort that must happen without a hiccup. We have it from a reliable source that January is CRITICAL and our efforts are URGENTLY NEEDED. WE ARE CLOSE TO WINNING THIS! This activity will have to be a skillfully choreographed dance and can only work if we are ALL pulling on our oars at the same time in the same direction. These are OUR children, OUR teachers, and OUR schools. Let no arrogant politician stand in our way!Governor Cuomo’s Contact Info
Governor Andrew Cuomo
Office of the Governor
NY State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224
Phone: 518-474-8390
Fax: 518-474-1513
Email: Gov.Cuomo@chamber.state.ny.us
www.twitter.com/NYGovCuomo @NYGovCuomo Use #StopCommonCore and #fixNYschools
NY State Senate: http://www.nysenate.gov/ NY State Assembly: http://assembly.state.ny.us/
I am reaching out to those teachers, educators, and parents of the Lower Hudson Valley to help and congregate at the offices and studios of News12 Westchester/Hudson Valley at 4 PM this Monday.
News12 is located in Yonkers NY at 6 Executive Plaza.
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See you there!
Hi Bronx Teacher!
Thanks for your support of this event, but can you please edit your post to the correct date of Monday, January 6th (not the 14th)?
Whoops! Little brain fart there. Fixed.
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