If I could turn the pageNotices went out, the doves were released, white smoke plumed from the chimney. The pixies sprang forth and proclaimed to the world that Monday, January 13, 2014 that all the serfs and citizenry of PS 154 were to wear their favorite T-shirts in celebration of such a grand accomplishment. The Peace Bus was bustling with activity!
In time then I'd rearrange just a day or two
But I couldn't find a wayBut can that be? Ten whole days without violence? Guess it depends on who is keeping score and what one's definition of violence is.
So I'll settle for one day to believe in you
Tell me liesApparently the definition of violence has be skewered at PS 154 by DR Alison Coviello; Ed.D and Principal.
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can't disguise
Although I'm not making plansThe Crack Team has learned that as soon as the school year resumed after Christmas break that there were two major acts of violence.
I hope that you understand there's a reason why
No more broken heartsBibi Netanyahu squared off and tussled big time with Mahmoud Abbas and Jerry Lewis cold-cocked Dean Martin.
We're better off apart let's give it a try
So how then can Friday January 10, 2014 been 10 days without violence? To The Crack Team this seems like "cooking the books." Is it violence if no one knows? Is it violence if school safety is not involved? If a ROD is not called? Who does this benefit? DR Alison Coviello; Ed.D and Principal? Were these instances of "violence" imparted into OORS? Is there a coverup?
Tell me liesIn other lying news, The Crack Team has come across another atrocity.
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can't disguise
If I could turn the pageIt is with regret, or is it irony, that when DR Alison Coviello; Ed.D and Principal is confronted with evidence that she has taken her tongue and told a lie she retorts in only one way.
In time then I'd rearrange just a day or two
But I couldn't find a wayDR Alison Coviello; Ed.D and Principal when caught in a lie, instead of being an adult and owning up to the lie, or even pulling a Ralph Kramden, has only one response.
So I'll settle for one day to believe in you
Tell me, tell me, tell me lies
Tell me liesAll she can say is that she stands by her version, her perception, her reality of the truth. This coming from a woman who claims she never lies. Guess it isn't a lie if you believe it is the truth.
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no you can't disguise
(You can't disguise, no you can't disguise)
Perhaps DR Alison Coviello; Ed.D and Principal should the powerful advice of Dr. Sheldon Cooper; Ph.D when it comes to what happens when one lies.
Peter, you might not think it now but there are many here at PS 154 that support you and job that you're fighting our fight.
We hate Coviello with a passion and unlike others can see her for what she is. EVIL!!!!
Wow that is great news that more teachers are realizing what a turd your principal was/and is! Keep the faith Peter!
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